Hey Everyone,
Several years ago, I was praying one night, and believed God was telling me, "Changes are coming to your life." I was 99.9% sure it was Him because of the way the thought stayed on my mind.
I thought it meant that I was going to meet someone and get married.
Rather, later that year, someone I loved very much unexpectedly fell ill and died a few weeks later. I do believe, however, that even though this person never again woke up, they cold still hear, and so I spent all my spare time at the hospital trying not to waste God's grace in the chance to express how much I loved this person.
Their death indeed brought a ripple of changes, and as with any such situation, some were for the good, and others brought additional sorrows.
This past weekend, while I was chopping onions and trying not to let the sting burn my eyes, I believe God told me, "I am going to allow things in your life that are going to make you uncomfortable." Once again, I'm 99.9% sure it was Him, because of how the thought has lingered on my mind. I also believe He is telling me that whatever happens, it is because He wants me to grow through it.
Naturally, my first thought was, "Who is going to die this time?" But of course, God might have completely different things in mind.
I can admit to feeling a bit uneasy.
I know some would say it's because I have weak faith, or not enough faith, or that it's from the devil.
But I personally think this is something that everyone who accepts Jesus as their Savior also has to accept as a regular part of the Christian life. We're all told God has a wonderful plan for our life, and He indeed works out all things for the good of those who love Him. But I don't hear much said about when God tells us hard things, and that it's crucial to growing our personal relationship with Him.
After sharing all of this with my small group, a good friend mentioned Joseph's dreams in Egypt, and how God sometimes warns us of trouble so that we can prepare (saving throughout 7 years of plenty to get through 7 years of famine.)
During my Bible reading and discussion with friends, I've told God that I hope I'll learn the lessons He wants me to learn and won't fight Him like I have in the past. I try to look back at how other difficult things have turned out, the things I learned, and, despite the hardships, the good God worked out through them.
I remind myself constantly that He is in control and everything that happens is for His glory. But it's an imperfect walk, with many zigs and zags, because of course, I'm still human.
What about you?
* How do you react when God tells you hard things, or allows difficult things to happen? How often does God tell you a trial is coming vs. just letting it happen without warning?
* What is your immediate reaction? Prayer, praise, fear, anger, sharing with others, or closing up, etc? I believe God understands our entire range of motions and helps us through all of them, even (and sometimes especially) when they're not the best or most ideal.
* What have you learned from past times when God told you about tough things/allowed them to happen that helps you prepare for future hardships?
* What advice do you give to others who have heard difficult things from God and are going through them?
I'm looking forward to hearing how other Christians walk out their faith through the inevitable "growth spurts" God knows we need.
Several years ago, I was praying one night, and believed God was telling me, "Changes are coming to your life." I was 99.9% sure it was Him because of the way the thought stayed on my mind.
I thought it meant that I was going to meet someone and get married.
Rather, later that year, someone I loved very much unexpectedly fell ill and died a few weeks later. I do believe, however, that even though this person never again woke up, they cold still hear, and so I spent all my spare time at the hospital trying not to waste God's grace in the chance to express how much I loved this person.
Their death indeed brought a ripple of changes, and as with any such situation, some were for the good, and others brought additional sorrows.
This past weekend, while I was chopping onions and trying not to let the sting burn my eyes, I believe God told me, "I am going to allow things in your life that are going to make you uncomfortable." Once again, I'm 99.9% sure it was Him, because of how the thought has lingered on my mind. I also believe He is telling me that whatever happens, it is because He wants me to grow through it.
Naturally, my first thought was, "Who is going to die this time?" But of course, God might have completely different things in mind.
I can admit to feeling a bit uneasy.
I know some would say it's because I have weak faith, or not enough faith, or that it's from the devil.
But I personally think this is something that everyone who accepts Jesus as their Savior also has to accept as a regular part of the Christian life. We're all told God has a wonderful plan for our life, and He indeed works out all things for the good of those who love Him. But I don't hear much said about when God tells us hard things, and that it's crucial to growing our personal relationship with Him.
After sharing all of this with my small group, a good friend mentioned Joseph's dreams in Egypt, and how God sometimes warns us of trouble so that we can prepare (saving throughout 7 years of plenty to get through 7 years of famine.)
During my Bible reading and discussion with friends, I've told God that I hope I'll learn the lessons He wants me to learn and won't fight Him like I have in the past. I try to look back at how other difficult things have turned out, the things I learned, and, despite the hardships, the good God worked out through them.
I remind myself constantly that He is in control and everything that happens is for His glory. But it's an imperfect walk, with many zigs and zags, because of course, I'm still human.
What about you?
* How do you react when God tells you hard things, or allows difficult things to happen? How often does God tell you a trial is coming vs. just letting it happen without warning?
* What is your immediate reaction? Prayer, praise, fear, anger, sharing with others, or closing up, etc? I believe God understands our entire range of motions and helps us through all of them, even (and sometimes especially) when they're not the best or most ideal.
* What have you learned from past times when God told you about tough things/allowed them to happen that helps you prepare for future hardships?
* What advice do you give to others who have heard difficult things from God and are going through them?
I'm looking forward to hearing how other Christians walk out their faith through the inevitable "growth spurts" God knows we need.
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