As soon as you stated Butt! it is as if a billy goat butting into truth given by God
Sin is done with, said by Son at John 19:30, he fulfilled the Law of Moses and then gave up the flesh, to give us new life in his risen Life of Spirit and Truth of Father, then Holy Spirit will lead us new in love and mercy given us, if stand willingly, not having to, at least this I see presently and did not priorly. I was at work to be kept in, I was wrong, I now choose to do willingly, thank you.
Not having to, having to do anything to get in or stay in, is under a Law to get what is given.
How can a gift ever remain a gift if one has to do anything before or after belief? We see in the first testament no one could ever be perfect of themselves ever or even claiming God helps them. Sorry, Believe it is all God and none of self, once one choose belief to see and will not quit, even whenever, going through troubles too. I hope you see truth all Jesus nothing else thank you
And there is no forgiveness without the shedding of blood, the entire Old Testament was set up that way from day one when God sacrificed an animal for Adam and Eve and clothed them.
Jesus the final sacrifice, no more shed blood to be shed after that done work of son for us done once for us all Hebrews 10:10 to now get given new life in the risen Christ given us, no more flesh work needed to be done. New work the done work of Son permeating through us at least me in love and mercy to all as called, to me at least