We lose fellowship(NOT SALVATION)when we grieve or quench the Spirit...Fallen away and departed from Christ.
1 John 1:9 Is the solution for the Believer.
Human good(quenching the Spirit) Wants to "work" for salvation. Any believer who believes we can lose, walk away, forfeit or maintain salvation has FALLEN AWAY. They need to 1 John 1:9 And come back to the SOLID foundation. They are Out of fellowship with the Spirit who SEALED them.
1 John 1:9 Is the solution for the Believer.
Human good(quenching the Spirit) Wants to "work" for salvation. Any believer who believes we can lose, walk away, forfeit or maintain salvation has FALLEN AWAY. They need to 1 John 1:9 And come back to the SOLID foundation. They are Out of fellowship with the Spirit who SEALED them.
The in & out interpretation in relation to 1J1:9 is also just that, an interpretation. The walk is very dynamic and acknowledging sins is part of that dynamic walk. IMO the Holy Spirit is well-able to put up with immature Christians and deal with their fleshiness in ways that don't require putting an infant outside and detaching from him every time he errs.
Labeling anyone who interprets work differently is also an issue. In a way these discussions get contentious so fast - again a camp-based/denominational theology issue - that discussion is virtually impossible. Most of the time what I see is anyone who says something about the Christian good work IN salvation is automatically labeled as saying Christian work FOR salvation. There should be more discernment and even a willingness to clarify semantics.
If we're eternally secure based upon faith alone, why do we argue camp partisanship so aggressively so fast? What have we got to lose by just calmly looking at and discussing Scripture? On the other hand, what's the point of all of this if it's not just to sit on the merry-go-round parroting in repetitive arguments the established interpretations of a few key Scriptures debated for centuries? It reminds me of what Paul was dealing with in Corinth, well, my pastor says...
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