I believe racism, like prejiduce are no more than another disguise for hate, evil.
That some will use such things to give justification or excuse for wrong.
I remember growing up during the terrible race riots.
I was confused as to why some one would hate simply because the other's color was diferent.
My neighborhood was filled with every race and culture that is, I loved the differances and the things that were alike the same, simply because this was my world, and this was what was life, normal.
As I grew older, and heard the stories I wasnt supposed to, that my neighbor told to my mom about surviving aushwits, I cried inside, becuase I could not understand why anyone would hate this wonderful woman, or kill her family.
Then watching the tv, and seeing the hate over races there, my heart broke even more.
For these people on tv hated my neighbors, my friends, good people.
Jesus told us to love our neighbors, one another.
The first time I came face to face with racism, was when I was about seven, I was walking home from school when a group of kids aproached me, started hitting me and pushing me, all because of the color of my skin, they said I deserved it.
I was confused, as how could the color of my skin decide who I am, make me guilty?
I finnaly managed to break free of their abuse, running home I cried out to my mom, why did they do this, why does the color of my skin matter????
My mom , a wise woman, said it asnt them, but hate.
She said that there have been people that hated them and hurt them for a long time, simply because of the color of their skin, now this hate and anger is in their hearts, not because they are bad, but because it is all they have been given for many many years.
Its not them, but simply hate, evil always looking for a place to live.
Only Jesus can remove this kind of hate, evil.
I am so greatful for her wise words, as I made up my mind not to let evil live in me, instead I forgave them.
I believe most do not know why they hate, it is simply the seed of evil planted in a heart unable to forgive.
If only it is forgiving what the color of skin represents to them.
I also believe we would all do much better if we saw all of hate of another for what it is, simply evil trying and taking root in the heart.
No more excuses, it is simply evil.
If we would all do this, and look to Jesus , recieving His love and forgivness, we might be amazed at how fast all racism is revieled and crushed.
in Jesus, God bless.