God isn't grabbing me. I earnestly desire His help and have been calling to Him to solve my problem for me for years. Guess what. He wants me to do the nitty gritty for myself and watch me stand. God isn't the kind of Father who gives me a fish when I'm old enough to be taught how to fish. Do you understand what I'm saying? I understand that you're trying to defend God, but you don't have to do any defending. No? You're not trying to defend God? You said God can't help me if I won't let Him. God can help me any old time He pleases, He knows He has the power to give me a miracle so my evil desire vanishes. But you must see, that for most people the miracle never comes, and God expects them to grow with God by self-control, by loving God. Please see that.
The Bible does say that, but again it's not simple enough to be a one two punch. There's grit work for an integral issue that comes close to the heart of a man. That makes him who he is.
Although I don't agree, If I sound cocky it's because I'm puffed up with knowledge from going to Bible college. (1 Corinthians 8:1) And I'm completely sincere. Please try not to make assumptions, especially if the assumption is putting blame on the person. I've been bitter at it because of how long I had to cope with the loss of confidence in my faith in giving me the truth when it comes to sexual purity. But now it's not bitterness because I'm understanding it more just like I prayed for. Modern Christianity has this terribly wrong. It's a give me it quick mindset where the person doesn't have to do anything, its all "up to God". No, the Bible teaches that obedience is both difficult and valuable because it's a measure of loyalty to God. If I prayed to God for a miracle and I got one, how much reward would there be for me? Understand? A switch of paradigms can be difficult for anyone. "How will anyone help you let alone God?" Let alone God? You make the King of Kings that has dominion over the universe sound offly powerless to help anyone. Don't you find that kind of sad (looking introspectively)? Although it's true that if you really thought that I didn't want God's help, then God wouldn't help me do to His character. Note that wouldn't is a more proper word to use than couldn't because God limits Himself by His perfect and limitless self-control. My amount of energy isn't the problem. Even if I were super tired, I'd still have this burning desire in my corrupted flesh. I experientially know this to be true. "Its all about retraining your mind, refocusing, and taking away the keys from the devil." No it isn't. I've tried that. You havn't been there. Where we disagree is the degree with which this is difficult. The difficulty is excruciating, and without that key element, I will never agree. It's not that easy, and God never promised it would be that easy. Just take a couple keys from the devil and you're all good. No.
"There is such a thing as TMI...and modesty in public."If it's not you're problem you wouldn't know. I tell the online community (without any graphic details) because I need help with this very trying issue. I'll say it again. This message is coming from a heart of sincerity to find the truth, and so far it has helped me. So in that way it has served it's purpose and I thank the people kind enough to give a response, which of them one was you. The funny thing is I agreed with your answer the most up as of so far. Although it is my drive that is causing this and it's an evil drive. Lovingly I must say that you contradicted yourself in the next sentence when you say that the sin caused the drive. You blame the sin instead of the drive, yet what doesn't seem to be grasped is that the sin causes the evil drive and thus the sin and the drive are to blame, despite one (sin) being the root of the drive. Thank you for your support either way. I will consider mailing you.
I know, I've tried being accountable. It didn't work for me. Christians like to cling to this idea of relying on God's strength, but there's a ballance that needs to be taken. Yes God has the power to do all things and to help us, but we have to help ourselves when God steps out of the picture to lovingly watch us struggle just like a good parent would. You bring up the topic of community. I don't like people much anymore. I'll have to get over that sometime after I move out. That's a different story. About the software, I get around that no problem. Or I would just uninstall it just as easily in a moment of passion. JBTW I don't have any "poop" on my computer. I don't keep anything I look at because my conscience has grown me to that point. I think I just hit a necessary point. I need to grow my conscience to expand to watching porn. Cuz I really don't feel guilty any more, I just want to stop for God. Just not bad enough to do it.