I agree entirely. Your friends are most likely not well versed in Scriptures or their underlying meaning. It's too bad they don't believe, and even more so a shame that they have attempted to sway you.
As for your take on Church, I think it's safe to say that religions/denominations are an institution. And who wants to be in an institution?
But seriously, although the Church has good intentions, the idea is to simply develop a relationship with the Lord. How you go about doing so is up to you. That's not to say you can disregard His teachings because you think that's not how your relationship rolls, but to each their own on affairs of spirituality and the heart.
If I may, I highly suggest reading a book known as The Shack. It definitely helped me reaffirm some things and got me out of a major stupor about a year ago; you could go so far as to say it was the catalyst for me being saved.
". . .because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." (John 20:29)
Best regards!
As for your take on Church, I think it's safe to say that religions/denominations are an institution. And who wants to be in an institution?
But seriously, although the Church has good intentions, the idea is to simply develop a relationship with the Lord. How you go about doing so is up to you. That's not to say you can disregard His teachings because you think that's not how your relationship rolls, but to each their own on affairs of spirituality and the heart.
If I may, I highly suggest reading a book known as The Shack. It definitely helped me reaffirm some things and got me out of a major stupor about a year ago; you could go so far as to say it was the catalyst for me being saved.
". . .because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." (John 20:29)
Best regards!
I completely agree on what you say about religion and denominations. I think if you are a believer you shouldnt have to choose a denomination. Just read the bible for yourself and let you and God be the institution.
I just have a very hard time going along with the things in the bible when people say the bible is the word of god yet science contradicts much of it, or some parts of the bible contradict itself or how the universe actually works. Example: The bible says the earth is flat but we know the earth to be spherical. And also, why would god create the earth just for us to live on and also makes trillions and trillions of stars and galaxies with other planets that have nothing to do with us. Wouldnt he just create the earth and the sun alone. We don't need the aesthetics of the universe, yet they are they. And the universe is actually growing. Scientists have shown the earth to actually be growing faster than it has before. This discovery shows the universe used to be smaller. It gives one more bit of evidence for the big bang. That is not to say the god perhaps started the big bang. I do not know. This is what I wish to find out one day on my journey to truth.
Thank your again for your reply and please keep posting anything you think may help. I will try to find the book at a local bookstore.