Hey folks. I am brand new to this site, but have been on literally dozens of other christian (and other)chatrooms, that are "designed to uplift and provide an open forum for men and women to discuss their thoughts, feelings and views of Gods word and how it has impacted their lives. and to help them to answer the questions they have regarding emplementing Gods word in their personnal and professional lives.
I have read the entire thread on this subject regarding a "mens forum". and I have to say that even as it is in our local church congregations there are people who are either so ridged/prude, that they think any discussion of anything "sexual" in nature should NEVER be discussed. OR they are actually dealing with so much of their OWN SIN problems that they through up walls of disgust and offence??
As scripture says, "no one is without Sin, no not one"!
We are all made of flesh and blood and we ALL have to deal with own problems of sinful behavior whether it is greed, pride, sexual, gossiping or yes even unforgiveness/ refussing to help those who need help.
I personnaly have had to deal with an addiction to pornography since I was in junior high in the 70s. As have millions of people who were in their teens and twenties back then. As pornography, and so called "free sex" was all the rage!
After years in the army, I came back to the church, and to Christ. yet even with all my praying, afsting and Iron will and Self Discipline, I still deal with it daily. I fact, after I left the military, I moved as far away from the strip clubs and adult book stores as I could! (way the heck out in southwest Kansas) But Satan as the "Prince of the Earth, going back and forth looking for someone to devour" managed to catch up with me in the way of the Internet!!
I have tried for years to seek the wisdom and councel of my elders, yet they grew up in a time when pornogrphy was not readaly available! So they have no clue as to what we deal with now days. I am 47 now, and even men who are 20 years older than I cannot relate.
I agree that their needs to be a forum where "Christian" men can talk with other "Christian" men in an enviroment of peace, and annonimity, without the risk of reprisals.
And I agree that unfortunatly, there are people (both men and women) who Hide who they truly are and use the forum for their own perversions.
But if we as Christians,
cannot or
are willing to reach out to, and help those who are in need of help, then when we finally do reach the throne of God, He will say "LEAVE ME, FOR I KNEW YOU NOT!
Just something for alot of you good Christians to think about

It IS nice to see that there are alot of individuals who are willing to help, and have an understanding and compassionate heart!
God Bless