Hi everyone, I'm sure that my opinion on this subject will not change anyones mind as to what they already believe, but here's my two cents....
I personally don't think I could every have an abortion, but........this has come up many times in bible study with others and I know the quilt and
condemnation that it can bring upon someone who has had an abortion in the past, and I don't like it........ It can be a huge stumbling block to someone
who wants to follow Him, especially when your own brothers and sisters in The Lord do the judging based on feelings and not real fact.
So.....needless to say, I sought The Lord on this issue and this is what He has shown me.........
First of all I believe God's forknowledge must come in on this... Secondly....The Lord showed me that without Him there is NO life...Physically or
Spiritually. When we see the videos of the fetus, and the forming of it, and the growth in the womb it is a very poweful image. But and this is a
Big But.....You are viewing only the Flesh, the shell, it is completly sustained by the life of the mother in everyway. Even the heartbeat, is still only
flesh and blood. We as Christians need to understand the difference, as it is written in the beginning until God breaths His breath into that shell
there is NO LIVING SOUL present as an individual, so until the cord is cut and the child is breathing on its own... according to The Word, it could not live,
it has no life of its own apart from the mother. So according to what I have seen I Don't believe we should judge so harshly, I have seen the damage that
it can do to someone who really wants to Know the Lord, do we really want that on us, I don't think so.
Just my thoughts, take em or leave em.