You rightly identified the sex drive you are describing as evil in the way this is happening to you. The origin of that is the sin that happened the first time you laid eyes on the pornography and maybe even sooner... Now there is a healthy sex life or feeling for the opposite sex that God created and put within man. He reserved that for marriage, but it can be woken up earlier (like it is mentioned in Song of Solomon). This is one of the deeper problems with this situation, there is something that is "natural" and God-given which turned into something bad, that now the enemy uses. It's called "lust" which in this case is sexually. It's somewhat similar to eating, which is also a natural process that God created for the good of the body, that also can be misused by overeating (obesity) or even eating the wrong things and make yourself sick, destroying your body. So we see how normal good processes that are God created can also be turned into sin.
Now sin is nothing else but opening the door for the enemy to enter in.
That's not true. We are corrupted ourselves and so are the world around us.
So we pray and repent and try to willpower this out and find ourselves always falling short and at the end giving in at the immense power that seems to be released within us, a driving "force" that seems to overcome in the end, which we here identified as a "sex drive"... What most people don't see and do, because it's just not popular and mostly not taught in our churches anymore, is forgetting the enemy that is behind all of this. Just praying and hoping that God will intervene is NOT enough! God up to this point in many cases will not intervene, especially if that has been going on for a while. All prayer for strength makes not a lot of sense when we forget the most important part in this. When God had already said and established something in His Word, a particular truth, He won't answer our prayers if we don't start acting on this truth first. All prayer for Him to change something that He told us to change ourselves by applying this truth are futile, since He already told us what to do. If we are rebellious and do not do it, how do we expect God to answer us and just "...make it go away!"?
Sometimes He does. It's not the same for everyone.
The particular truth here is that just repenting won't do the trick.
Actually that would be the trick if you define repenting by turning from your sin. Which is how it should be defined in my humble opinion of the Bible.
The church is full of Christians that repented everything from A to Z, but still running around with the same problems and sicknesses and all prayer for God to heal them (in many cases if we are honest about this!) just don't seem to work, so we grab plan B and go our way or if that doesn't help many die early, which then is blamed on God again...!
Repenting is just the first step. It gets you into right standing with God, but in and of itself does not eliminate the original problem. YES, we are forgiven:
1 John 1:9 says "If we confess our sins (wholeheartedly and from our heart really mean to turn around and let this sin go), He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness... (explanation added).
- But now we come to the cleansing part. Who does that? We also do this like the asking for forgiveness is the first step, now we initiate the cleansing part with the authority and power God has given us - not out of our own power, but in His name and His power! - James 4:8 -" Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded." - That is still OUR responsibility.
So how do we really cleanse ourselves? This is a spiritual issue. People always talk about the flesh as if the "flesh", their body, had powers or a mind of it's own
It does; it's called your brain. And everybody knows that a sex drive comes from chemicals in the brain.
- well it doesn't, it is subject to a person's soul and is influenced by it.
It's both. The spirit can influence the body because they are intricately connected through life.
If you get angry and punch someone you can't say, "sorry, I didn't want to do that, but I didn't know what got into my hand, it all of a sudden made a fist and just leashed out and jumped forward, my flesh made me do it!"
Actually if you think about it bipolar people can't help comitting crimes when they're psychotic because their flesh is so corrupted that they're mind is not clear and their spirit is dominated by unclear thoughts. I should know. I'm bipolar.
The flesh has no control over anything. It is used as an expression of "our nature". Well if we are born again in Christ then "our nature" is now rooted in Christ and our nature is changed - the "old" has gone - 2 Corinthians 5:17 -Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
If we really believe that then what on earth is still warring in our "members" and soul that Paul talks about in Romans 7? Walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh was the conclusion. The lust of the flesh being what then? The part in us that has not automatically become new, which is still our body (in case of sicknesses and diseases) and our soul. That's where the war is (and many times they are interconnected!).
So what happens if we do not walk in the spirit - then we fulfill the lust of the flesh (eventually). That means we commit some type of sin. Now sin opens the door to the enemy. It gives the enemy a legal right over us, to torture us, hinder us, steal, destroy and eventually even kill us. Sin brings death eventually, right!?
How do we get that enemy to stop?
First we needed to confess that sin, which we did, to get into right-standing with God. Then we need to eliminate the legal right of the enemy, that they have, like a document that tells them what they can do to us (depending on the sin we committed!). We need to RENOUNCE this legal right now, tearing up the document against us in the spiritual realm! That is the next step.
But we can't stop there, just taking the legal right away from the enemy doesn't mean that they just leave us right then and there. Like a squatting tenant that has received their eviction papers, they need to be forced out, or in other words cast out!
Matthew 12:28
But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.
Luke 11:20
But if I cast out demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.
Mark 1:34
Then He healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons;
Mark 1:39
And He was preaching in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and casting out demons.
Matthew 10:8
Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.
Luke 13:32
And He said to them, “Go, tell that fox, ‘Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.’
Mark 3:14-15
14 Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach, 15 and to have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out demons...
Mark 16:17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;....
This has to be done to be free from the driving force that is " living " in us and took up residence, it has to be evicted in order to restore the peace that God wants us to have so we can really fulfill His work.
Now these were just a few scriptures, there are many more commanding us ( not suggesting to us!) to cast these demons out, to cleanse ourselves and then help others... - it also says that TRUE believers will exhibit and do these things/signs ...
That's the problem in many if not most of our churches, we have turned away from doing this and now being rebellious to what Jesus was saying about how to set us free from all kinds of problems and sicknesses, diseases, repetitive sins, etc... and then we wonder why He is just not taking it away or answering us. Well He did already long time ago and put it right there in His word, but we are too blind at times to see it and other times we just don't want to do it, because we have been taught all of our lives to just pray and repent and God will wave a magic wand and come quickly to our rescue and the rest of the grace will cover everything anyways... bah!
It's true, that I have demonic oppression that I need to get rid of. Pray that I find somewhere that will cast this out of me.
There are still sins that cling to us that we thought we repented of numerous times, but we don't even know anymore how they started to begin with and then still nothing happens, so we just repeat this same ordeal and think the more we do it, it should work some time, some day, until it drives us insane, because in most cases nothing happens, so we try to willpower it out more and get more frustrated and angry, until we are mad with ourselves, others and God Himself, since He just seems silent. This is how many people give up, walk away from God, instead to do what He said to do, taking the grace he is giving us and fight the enemy with it and turn the sword on them until they are all out of our lives!
So the third part is to cast out "pornography", "lust", other sexual sins, etc... behind every deed of the "flesh" that is named, there is a driving force, that pushes or suggests us to do it and we always think it's our own thoughts (which in most cases it isn't). If there is sin there is an enemy that has gotten in. If people want to believe it or not, that doesn't matter. It's truth and the truth will set you free.
God said that His people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge and it's this kind of knowledge that is actually readily available in His word nowadays, that's the sad part.
But all of this seems so foreign to people, since hardly anybody is doing this anymore in our churches, so if one mentions this, I can already hear the arguments out there from some people reading this, getting upset over all kind of things floating in their head how they think it's not so...
I agree that I need someone to cast out my demon all the way!
The last part then is to fill yourself with the Holy Spirit and let Him fill out those "affected areas" that are now "unoccupied" so that the enemy doesn't have a way back in. Then it's up to the person to walk this out, to not open the door again but with the demon being gone, the driving force behind it is gone. It's then just a free will decision made out of peace and rest. That's the way peace is restored to the person, so they can make sound godly decisions, without being urged and driven by "their flesh", which makes walking in the spirit so much easier!
Also I think what the other post was talking about that being exposed to pornography at such an early age could be similar to a child being molested, might be due to the fact that both of these situations can instill a trauma in a child
It didn't feel much like a trauma. I wanted to do it.
and that both open doors to similar behavior, which, if we look at the spiritual aspect and side of it, are demons that came in through this and activate this behavior, which otherwise a child that age would normally not be subject to or act out... we see that this is an ongoing pattern that just increases with age and becomes worse, since ongoing sin that this child is let into, then later on as an adult even worse and deeper sins follow, open up more doors to more demonic forces to enter and "set up shop", building the fortress and strongholds larger and larger, until it seems un-breachable and unbearable and impossible to stop.
This is a mighty large subject, but I just wanted to touch on this, to give you an idea what you are up against and how you can get out of it.
BTW I am also speaking from experience, so I know how you feel!