Would Jesus sit there while people were rioting, raping, taking LSD and God knows what?
Some (most, depending on your definition of the word "riot") of the occupiers were rioting. However, to my knowledge, there have been ZERO cases of rape and ZERO cases of LSD involved in any of the Occupy movements. So I will ask you kindly to provide evidence to support your claim, or apologize to the people you have slandered and repent for bearing false witness. (As a Christian, it is my duty to hold my sisters and brothers accountable.)
Think about it when God was hanging with the tax collectors and sinners does it say they were carousing and dancing with harlots?
Again, the occupiers have not been "carousing" or "dancing with harlots," either. Do you think the occupy movements are a party? By no means! First, you call them riots, then you say it's a party. Although a protest can devolve into a riot (and many of these have), and some protesters try to keep a positive attitude rather than just being ticked off (which is a good thing, I think), neither word really describes what the Occupy movements are: protests.
I suppose in a fairtale {sic} world one might think that the occupiers would LOVE having Jesus around.
And many of them do love having Jesus around. You see, many of the occupiers are devout Christians who have Jesus in their heart, and love him dearly, and Jesus loves them. Sure, some of the occupiers are not Christian, and I pray for them, too.
Perhaps for a few minutes, until he told them to stop drinking and fornicating in sleepingbags
And once again, you slander. You need to repent of all this false witness.
and that famouse verse: " If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat." Which goes against all they stand for.
No, the occupiers are not trying to get something for nothing. In fact, one of the things they are fighting for is jobs. Now, if someone didn't want to work, why would they be fighting for a job? That just makes no sense. Use your brain, man.
I think we should ask, rather, would they want him around?
Some would, some wouldn't. Those of the occupiers who believe in him would absolutely want him around. Those who didn't, well, some would probably repent and come to believe, and some would remain stubborn, just like what happened 2,000 years ago.
Though from what you have written here, I think it's fairly clear that you wouldn't want Jesus around. You would consider him a nuisance, and probably call him a sinner to his face without realizing it.