What about the people in the Occupy Movement? Will you hold them accountable as well?
I will and I do. If and when my sisters and brothers who are involved in the occupy movement sin, I absolutely hold them accountable.
I mean good grief, there's footage out there of actual Occupy members and leaders chanting that sex with animals was okay.
By all means, if a brother or sister of mine ever did this, I would certainly take them aside, as it is written in Matthew, and correct them out of love. If they did not listen, I would come back with two or three others to confront them. Just like the Gospels instruct.
In fact, I did once hear a brother say something to this effect, and I corrected him. He repented, and was forgiven. It was a beautiful, healing moment. So, yes, I take this responsibility very seriously.
it would seem to me that the very second the Occupy Movement found out who was supporting them, they should have immediately issued press releases denying that they wanted their support.
Why? Did you issue a press release denying that you wanted the KKK's support? Why not?
Hint: I imagine it's the same answer. At least, I hope it is. You don't issue a press release denouncing the KKK's support for several reasons. First of all, you, personally, do not represent all of Christendom, and cannot speak on behalf of all Christendom. Secondly, you are aware that most people realize that the KKK does not represent Christendom, and that just because the KKK supports Christianity doesn't mean that all of Christianity supports the KKK. Finally, you honestly don't care what the KKK does (I hope). You consider them a fringe group, and recognize that the more attention you give them, the more power you give them, and you'd just as soon not do that.
Similarly with the Occupy movement. There is no one person who represents the entire movement. They do not have any organized leader or structure (yet). Who would issue a press release? Whose responsibility is it to speak on behalf of them? The Occupy movement can be compared to Christianity. Yes, they share common goals, but there is not a single human heirarchy. All of Christendom does not answer to one Pope, or one President, just to God. The Occupy movement doesn't have that, and also has no human authority. Give them time. The US didn't have its constitution until it had been in existence for years. Occupy has only been in existence for a few months; all things considered, they're keeping it together pretty well. They do honestly want to represent 99% of the population. That means yes, there will be communists in there, and criminals, and atheists, and also Christians, and republicans and democrats, and all sorts of people. Even you.