I do believe that evolution is a theory and not a law. Some hypothesis under evolution have not held up, that is very true. But there is a large amount of data in regards to transitional species (species changing into a new species). Its true that all links to everything have not been found. But a lot of them have.
I know I here that "missing link" with monkeys and humans a lot. But there are several dozen transitional species before homo-sapiens. I personally don't see how people can just ignore all of the data, or just except that it is wrong because some religious people say it is wrong.
That being said, I don't believe the theory of evolution threatens Christianity. There is no scripture that directly opposes evolution, and there isn't anything that would make the bible any less credible if evolution did exist. All part of God's plan of growth and development.
As for the big bang leading to life? I will give that to ya. The actual origins of life are lost to scientist. I personally believe in God, and I view science as what God is allowing us to learn about the universe around us. Maybe someday, we will know just how life starts..if that is part of God's plan.
Oh man do I hate this argument. There are countless examples of predecessor species that still exist. There is nothing to support that monkeys would no longer exist if humans did in fact evolve from them.
The "old species should just vanish" argument is, no offense, retarded. If a single couple of humans give birth to a 6 fingered child (yes it happens) does that wipe out all other humans if that 6th finger turns out to be an advantage? Even if that kid goes on to produce a whole country of 6 fingered humans, does that mean that all other humans are going to be gone? No. Christians really need to stop using this argument, it doesn't hold up to anything.
Nothing against you personally, I am sure you are just repeating this, but it really is a bad argument if you want to argue against evolution.
So is the thing about eyes that don't evolve.....[/quote
Life starts because God spoke it into existence, He created man from the dust, breathed into him the breath of LIFE, and man became a living being... It's not a mystery if thats what you're referring to... About woman, you know the story don't you?,... He also created the animals and beasts, sea, land, and air, and gave man Dominion over them, now God made a distinction between man and beast, so where you get it from that somehow Man may have evolved from animals, well... I don't think I know... It wasn't dominion for man over man... So what part is it that you should believe in evolution too, beleive that Christ came to save lost souls??? and not animals??? Which part got saved,.... Where is it that evolution ENDS, and you getiing saved begins??? Please do tell!!!