My mom and dad shared the same role of just being good parents. Their "roles" in the traditional christian sense were interchangeable: they were both 'bread winners' even while me and my sister were still young, they both made important decisions together without one feeling like their gender gave them the final say by default, my dad did most of the house cleaning and cooking while my mom did most of the lawn mowing, I could go on forever, but the bottom line is my family structure was not modeled after a biblical one and many of the roles that are strictly associated with men were very much interchangeable between both my mom and my dad. If you asked me what specific role they
As I said to you before, "it would be unwise to assume that just b/c a husband/father doesn't take an 'authority figure' type of 'role' in which the things everyone has listed in this post are his and ONLY his responsibilities, then he will, by default, earn little to no respect from his wife and children". What you seem to be implying is that it is not okay for a father to not claim full authority over the family because his sons will allegedly not be able to understand their own sense of masculinity because they will have nothing to learn from their father on the subject, and therefore they will lose respect for him in some cases? I agree that 'children see, children do', but a son is not going to lose a sense of masculinity or his respect for his father SIMPLY because the family is not structured in a biblical way.
I do not have brothers. But, on the flip side of that question, my mom obviously wasn't acting like a traditional christian woman (in that very traditional christians would say that she 'usurped her husbands power' by acting the way she did). Does it seem like I don't respect my mother because she wasn't completely in alignment with the role of a christian wife, and therefore shattered my sense of femininity because she was not a good role model? Quite the opposite, actually.
My dad also doesn't fall under any of those categories that you listed. Why ask me "what category did your dad fall under"? I don't understand why chose to ask that kind of question.