Read the Bible carefully, when I say the Bible has elements of fantasy in it, I am not meaning to insult God's word or say it is not true, I believe the Bible is true, most of it, but what I mean is there are fantastic images in the Bible, like the images of cherubim, seraphim, angels, heaven, demons, dragons, heaven and hell, read Ezekiel, Daniel, Revelations, the books with fantastic descriptions of out of this world beings, heavenly and hellish, Satan is described as being a "prowling lion that goes about roaring seeking whoever he may devour"
BUT Jesus Christ is described as the Lion of Judah and the Lion and the Lamb.
It's like this, there is the false lion, Satan, who rules through witches like the white witch, who is a usurper, false queen since she really does not have the right to rule Narnia, she is a tyrant and imposter.
Aslan, the true Lion King, is Jesus Christ, the Lion of Judah, Lion and Lamb. Aslan goes through a grisly sacrifice and comes back to life because of his self-sacrifice and willingness to suffer and die for someone else.
Aslan eventually wins the battle against the wicked witch that represents Satan