I have to honestly say I am repulsed by many posts on here, and shocked that so many are uneducated about the issue.
At the moment of conception the unborn has human characteristics. It's DNA has already determined it's eye color, hair color, gender, and so on. The child may be just a clump of cells at that point, but it already has a soul(God said I knew you in the womb). It is living, and growing. Yes, the unborn is dependent on the mothers body, but it is NOT part of the woman's body. It does have it's own DNA, and will later on thrive outside the womb. The mother is just the incubatior. The unborn, even at the moment of conception IS human.
Also, whoever said the baby's heart doesn't beat until the child is born is wrong. The heartbeat actully forms in the embryotic stage of pregnancy. The unborn has a heartbeat near the end of the first month of pregnancy. This I know for a fact. I heard my own son's heartbeat BEFORE he was born. It wasn't my heartbeat. My heart doesn't beat in my uterus.
Another thing, I don't care if a baby is a result of rape, incest, or has a mental or physical disability. THEY ARE NO LESS OF A HUMAN!!!! No one should be killed because they are "less than normal" What is normal anyway?
I could have a car accident today, and lose a leg.... JUST KILL ME! I am no longer NORMAL!
Anyone who terminates a pregnancy for those reasons is selfish. Even in rape and incest. Bad things happen to people all the time. It is life. Harsh I know, but a baby is a blessing, and to feel your child grow and move inside you is the best feeling a woman could ever have. I have had many tragedies in my life so maybe I should just shoot myself because I didn't like the outcome. How ridiculous does that sound? Thats how I feel when someone chooses abortion.
And.......... FORNICATION. I saw a few posts were some say it is ok to abort a child out of wedlock, and falsy backed it up with scripture. I am a single mother. My child was born out of wedlock. I had unprotected sex and got pregnant. I also asked God to forgive me. I am pretty sure he did. Now I am blessed with a beautiful child who will turn 10 this month. He is the best thing that happened to me, and for anyone to think fornication is a good escuse to murder........ That is saying that MY child should be DEAD. Let me tell ya... that is not something you should ever say to a mother, because I would KILL and DIE for my son in a heartbeat!!!!
I have also seen an actual video of an early abortion. The baby was not even the size of my pinky. At first I saw a little blood, then something was comign out of the cervix. It was a leg. Dismembered from the rest of its body. With a perfectly formed foot attached. Then its little hands, and arms. Then the other little bloody leg. Last of all was the torso. This THING already had a heartbeat, arms, legs, toes, and fingers.
To watch a chidl be dismembered like that is horrifying.
Also, in late term abortions, they will delever all of the fetus but the head. You will see a headless baby come out of the mother. If the head is still attached it is crushed.
Not at all a pretty site.
Finally, before you comment on such a contreversial topic study up on it. I suggest start with the bible.