If you look at Wikipedia's list of wars and other disasters by death toll, and suppose that a number between the two extremes is the correct number, than abortion has killed more human beings than any war, famine, plague, religious persecution, whatever, in history (except, of course, the flood of Noah, which wiped out nearly everyone). 50,000,000+ innocent lives have been taken in abortion. 50+ MILLION... That's more than Hitler killed!
Yet for those 50 million people, most people don't shed a tear. Most people say, people have their reasons, it's their choice, whatever. I actually got a post erased, and got banned and IP address blocked from a different site, just for stating that fact, nothing personal, no attacks on anyone. That's how eager people are to defend today, the butchery of the unborn. They're tiny, so it's ok in most people's minds. It's the choice of the woman, of the parents...
Go down the list of wars and genocides. Which one of the people or groups that perpetrated them didn't have what they thought were "good reasons" for killing a bunch of other people? Every single group or person who perpetrated those atrocities had excuses. They sincerely though they were in the right, doing the right thing, by killing the people they killed. Well, today people have their excuses, too, why they think this kind of murder is right. They have their reasons, too. Does having reasons make it right, though?
If you listen to the heartbeat, and you're listening to the womb of a woman, not a cow or a pig... that's a little human. People need to educate themselves on what doctors (and the mothers who pay them) feel themselves free to do, to wipe out that little human. It's beyond gross. It's not like they just push a button, and it just "goes away". Once you know what they really do, you will be beyond disgusted.
People today are afraid of confrontation, even if it's standing up about what's right. They say, "I don't believe in it, but someone else can." Even if it's murder?
God's laws apply to all men, whether or not they accept them. God didn't say, "I exempt these people, or those who don't believe, from these laws." That's why it is just for there to be a hell. Yes, men CAN (are able to) defy God... but there are consequences. Consequences God does not want to see us choose. That is why He came to save us, and to teach us the right way to go, to avoid that. He came to show us the way, but He IS God. We have a free will and can choose to disobey... but it's not optional in the sense that you can disobey and get away with it, otherwise where is justice for GOD? What about HIS rights? He creates a soul, has plans for that soul, means that soul to do something special in the world, and a woman and a doctor decide they don't want that soul to exist in this world, so they choose their will over His. Never mind that God willed it, by creating it.
We need to be conscious of God's rights. We will never have the "right" to do evil things. We are physically capable, yes. Is it fine? No. That's why we call them the ten commandments, and not the ten suggestions. Everyone, regardless of creed, or atheism, will be judged by the same laws. Yes mercifully... also justly. When we permit ourselves to envision God as the stereotypical pushover dad, who "loves" his kids so much he lets them get away with murder, and subsequently ruin their lives and other people's... we have lost the vision of the truth. God will not be mocked, and though He is loving and merciful, we can't just pick when and how to willfully defy Him, and expect that not to matter, and for there to be no consequences. That is an insult to the dignity of God as God and Our Father.
People talk about love.... where was love for those 50 million + babies? Where was their choice? People arbitrarily decided they shouldn't exist. Some of them would have been great. Maybe one of them would have cured AIDS, cancer, or done who knows what. God had plans for them, but people had other plans, and they felt they had the right to put a stop to those plans. But God's plans are plans of love. Who only knows what the absence of those 50+ million will deprive the world of, of God's goodness to us through them. That choice effects EVERYONE, not just the parents. The world is full of examples of very, very talented souls that the mothers were "advised" to abort them, or who almost did.
But people say, "I don't believe in it, but it's fine if other people do"?
I can't see it. God's law IS law. It's for everyone, and those souls were meant for the good of everyone. They didn't make it because someone didn't care what God wanted, or wanted to bless the world with. It's a loss in many ways, and I think we'd be fooling ourselves if we thought that God will just be fine with that, and not care. And if our world is such a mess, maybe it's in some part because we're feeling the hurt of the absence of what those 50 million had to offer the world as leaders, as politicians, as peacemakers, as people of talent, as family and friends. How anyone can think that all those lives and the impact they would have had, just doesn't matter, is beyond me. After all, there's a reason God wanted them to be here.