It sounds like my house. I unlike Julianna am not a neat freak, but watching little ones is stressful. you worry about if they will get hurt, if they are getting enough attention, if they are getting too much attention and thousands of other things. My daughter is currently in preschool from 9-12 and she loves it. that gives me time to clean and do things around the house but both my husband and I work and go to school.
Truthfully I clean more because it bugs him then because I really feel self motivated to do it. When we were first married he used to nag me to do things and that tended to make me work less and be more depressed.
You're wife doesn't sound lazy. she sounds tired and her focus is more on the kids and taking care of them then on tidiness.
Anyway I like Julianna's idea of making a family thing. teaching the kids to help clean and pick up after themselves is a good thing. even toddlers can be taught to put their toys in their rooms and my daughter is 3 and likes folding her clothes and putting them away in her drawers and "helping"(she also is a princess who likes changing clothes 10 times a day if you let her)
you have to consider which is more important to you? Spending time with your family or having a spotless clean house?
my husband offered to hire someone to come and clean but we've managed.
he bought me one of those little vacuum machines that cleans the floor itself and put it on a timer so that it would vacuum the house. All I have to do is pick up the little things and clean it out at least once a week and we have clean floors.
I definitely recommend getting one if you can afford it and have hardwood floors.
My house isn't spotless and if someone came in they might think I'm lazy because I don't clean all the time but personally I believe there is more to life than that.
I spend my time praying, reading the Bible, taking college classes. prepping lessons on bugs, astronomy, dinosaurs, playing with the kids, visiting friends and their new babies, making food and other things that are higher on my list then cleaning.
Perhaps instead of calling your wife lazy you should find out what she enjoys doing with her day, taking the kids out to give her a break occasionally and finding out how to show your love for her as your spouse.
Did you marry her so that you would have a maid or because you love her and want a companion for life?