Half the problem here is that people DON'T TELL US (Moderators) when there is actually a problem.
Instead, they get angry at us for not doing anything, or supposedly letting someone get away with something. Then they vent their frustrations about this to a million other chatters who then all form the unsubstantiated opinion that the Moderators are favouring certain people, or that some mods are too lax, or others are too ban-happy, or people get banned no reason, or people don't get banned who should and on and on the list goes.
People... we are Moderators, but we are also HUMAN, we cannot read minds. We don't know there is a problem if you choose not to tell us.
Also, bear in mind sometimes you may only hear one very small side to a story (which may not even have any truth to it at all).
Yes, I understand there are some people who are, well, annoying. But put them on your ignore list and be done with it, then you can go on chatting with others in peace. If however, someone is GENUINELY hassling you, breakin rules, causing problems etc, PLEASE report it! REPORT REPORT REPORT, I cannot stress this enough.
If you choose not to, that's fine too, but please, can I ask that if you do not wish to report people- do not take your frustrations, or accusations of 'favoured people' and such to the public forums. These things only make a job harder to do.
Cheerio... and thanks