The elect are those who follow Jesus in the truth led by the Spirit.
Many are called but few are chosen,which means God does the choosing on earth.
God calls many but few are chosen.
God calls people while on earth,for He knows their heart,and if they proceed to do what is right pleasing to God,then He will choose them.
The Bible says work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,which not everyone that claims Jesus as Lord lives up to what God expects of them,and fall short,which Jesus said not everyone that calls Him Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven.
God calls many but few are chosen,for not everyone continues in the path of righteousness,which is due to not allowing the Spirit to lead them,because they will not let go of a sin,which they have a form of godliness,but deny the power thereof,and are lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God,and ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
God said in a great house there are some to honor and some to dishonor,and among people who claim to be with Christ,you have people who follow Jesus led by the Spirit,and you have people who are hypocritical,you have people with oil in their lamps,and you have people without oil in their lamps.
Out of all the people who claim to be with Christ,the elect are those who follow Jesus led by the Spirit,who cannot be deceived by the world,where the hypocrites have a chance to be deceived not allowing the Spirit to lead them,because they want to live in sin,like cheating on their spouse that they do without repentance to turn from it,which Jesus said they cannot enter heaven,because they are workers of iniquity.
The Bible says there will be many who will say to Jesus,that they cannot understand why they cannot enter heaven,seeing they claimed Him as Lord,and labored for the kingdom of God,but they held unto sins at the same time laboring for the kingdom somewhat,but not satisfactory,for they have a form of godliness,but does not measure up to what God expects,because they still love the world a tad bit,which if any person love the world or the things in the world,the love of the Father is not in them.