Can anybody tell me how masturbation makes you a selfish person?
A hot bath when you are tired from a day at work (or school) is nice to the body and relaxing - so that must be sinful as well?
Or that you spoil yourself with a really well cooked meal and perhaps a glass of your favourite drink?
That is also selfish.
The real thing about why masturbation is such a big deal is that sexuality is looked upon with great shame. And that person are actually touching and playing with their private parts (esp young people) just freak out some moralists (the same moralists that say that slavery is not so bad since God says its okay).
Read my first quote again. It said that only
misuse of things is evil. To satisfy your sexual appetite without any concrete purpose, like procreation or marital boding, is a misuse of creation because it serves no ultimate purpose other than self indulgence / satisfaction. Good food, and a hot bath after a hard day, these are not harmful because they serve an ultimate, concrete purpose that is according to nature. However, drinking sugary drinks (soft drinks) and other addicting, useless, and potentially enslaving pleasures (masturbation), serve no other purpose other than the fulfillment of the ego. This is to be "carnally minded", which the Apostle Paul said was "death".
"For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace." (Romans 8:6).
If you were an Orthodox Christian you would understand better.
Its bad because it enslaves and darkens the minds of people. Any kind of addiction to pleasure (hedonism) can and may lead someone into the pits of destruction. I became a hardcore drug addict because my own hedonism (love of pleasure). Before then, I had learned how to masturbate when I was just 7. Food, sex, and other things contributed to my drug use, but I was too tired of food and sex as pleasure and wanted something more intense, more mind altering and lasting. So I turned to drugs...