I just now saw this. Wished I'd seen it earlier. In modern times, there are so many people who think that the Bible teaches oppression of women. But what they don't know, is that the Bible actually sets laws up in the OT to protect women from the oppression of many men.
For example, the divorce were written because many men would throw a woman away and verbally divorce her. And when she would become the wife of another man, the former husband would then accuse her of adultery and because she had no proof, and the man was generally believed in some locations, she was stoned. As a result, the letter of divorce was created so women would have some proof for protection.
For example, the divorce were written because many men would throw a woman away and verbally divorce her. And when she would become the wife of another man, the former husband would then accuse her of adultery and because she had no proof, and the man was generally believed in some locations, she was stoned. As a result, the letter of divorce was created so women would have some proof for protection.
But there are also many parts in the bible where women are clearly pushed down. Everywhere from Genesis where God clearly states that a woman should be ruled by her husband, to laws on how to sell your daughter as a slave (of curse, worth less than a male slave), that a women that is raped have to marry that man (which is of course vile) and nice little quotes like:
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
So... I would say that most women on this community could have their opinions discarded as soon as they started to speak up and come with own ideas.
To me it is clear that the bible was written by men in a primitive age with slavery and oppression. Sadly (but naturally) the bible was stained with these views. Anyone that listen to the gospels as well as pray to Jesus finds that this is not the way God intend things.
I think, if the situation had been reversed and woman was the dominate gender, that God would dictate laws to protect men, just as He does to protect women.
But then... I would be on the side of the men and say "Hey... the bible is just stained in the matriarchal age it was written in."
Or... perhaps I would just enjoy being in power so much that I would point on the bible and taking pleasure in knowing that the men are supposed to serve me...