Does He? What does the Bible say? Well I consider myself a Chrsitian, and have for many years, and I've never heard an audible voice from God. So does that mean I'm not a Christian? Exodus 33:11 says "Thus the LORD used to speak to Moses face to face just as a man speaks to his friend." This is the kind of talking I want, but alas this is also found in Exodus 33:19 God said to Mosses:"I Myself will make all My goodness pass before you, and will proclaim the name of the LORD before you; and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious and I will show compassion on whom I will show compassion." How do you take this? Do you think it's heartless to choose some people and not others to show favor to from God's position? If you do, maybe you should re-evaluate your position. I believe this verse is the reason why I am not spoken to directly by God. I see many Christians saying that God talks to them in hidden, vague ways. This can lead to much confusion, supersition, and many mistakes in life. The simple fact of it is, we don't hear from God, and that's okay. A Christian should recognize their place in existance is so far lower than God's that He is the one who chooses who to talk to. As americans we like a sense of entitlement; that comes from our pride in our rights under a democratic republic. We should be okay with seeing that we're not entitled to God talking to us and that's okay because God is the one in charge.