You don't have to agree with same sex attractions to realize equality is right. Personally I have no problem with either but I've known some who disagree but support equality.
Under God's word marriage means sex between a man and a woman. Not sex between man and a man, woman and a woman. God is clearly against sex between the same sex. And marriage is the appropriate place for sex and it's only between a man and a woman.
This is the appropriate definition, God's definition and that is what we as a culture, every culture should hold up. Not because of us, but because of God. It's my culture and I have the right to define it and I choose to definite it by my God's definition because it's best for my family, myself and everyone else. What will you do with your right to define it... stand by God's word or stand by the Devils?
Moving on to equality.
Equality as valuing every person as a human being sure, but it's clear that men and women are not equal. just take a glance... you'll see differences, one is usually stronger, the other has a better sense of smell etc etc very different physically but not absolutely equal but we can value them both as human beings equally and that's just "skin deep" men and women are different psychologically as-well. Then comes the word of God and gives man and women roles and things to remember... God is the head of Christ, Christ the head of man, and man the head of women.... husband love your wife... wife respect your husband... men and women are different, its no wonder God said different things to them.
Now homosexuality... that is VERY different... and God said, not just to homosexuals, but to everyone that having sex with the same sex is sin... it's in BOTH the NEW TESTAMENT and the old testament so same sex marriage is not something to support on the basis of equality, homosexual acts are sin and shouldn't be supported by protecting it with marriage.
I can value a homosexual person, a human being soul, God loves people and homosexuals are people but that doesn't mean...........
Note: Murdering or lying are being used to show you the point that homosexual acts are wrong/sin
............... I'll give homosexuals the thumbs up for murderng... the thumbs up for lying... the thumbs up for homosexual acts.
I'll pray for you because either your not truly a Christian/Not saved or your very well fooled by the enemy at the moment.