Wolfy said, "if there is i dont mind going." Then you "liked" his post ---- >
OFM likes this.
Do you realize that you've given two completely opposite points of view by liking his post? I've noticed that you make a point of doing this to endless numbers of posts, many that make no sense. My ponderings have brought three possibilities to the surface, and I'm thinking that it might be helpful to state them briefly to clarify my point:
1. The "like" button is a compulsive thing for you
2. You're just trying to be an encouraging person
3. You don't quite comprehend the purpose of the "like" button
If it's the first, then nevermind. Everyone has issues, BUT there is always therapy.
If it's the second, please, for the love of all things holy, try another avenue for expressing it.
If it's the third, I will dare to attempt to clarify that "like" means something akin to "I agree with this comment" and not so much "this person is nice."
I realize there are other reasons you might be "liking" every post you read, but generally speaking, and to keep myself from commenting any further on an off-topic issue, I feel it might be more helpful to the community if the use of the "like" button was reserved for comments that were above what was considered mundane or average, again, more like "I agree with this post" and not so much "this person is nice."
Thank you for your time, and now back to your regularly scheduled forum thread.