God is delighted with your questions
. They show you are sincerely seeking and He will honor that.
But all the answers don't come at once; and some of them won't come at all. That's where faith comes in. He has given us ENOUGH to believe but not so much that we don't have to use our faith muscle:
Hebrews 11:2-3
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for. 3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
(Hebrews 11 is all about faith)
You do have a lot of interesting questions that would take a lot of time to answer thoroughly but here's some short answers
Hello i hope someone can help me i am a christian but im having loads of doubts about the existense of god all im thiinking is "is a brainwashing thing" "people came up with it because they couldnt explain science" "why would god ask adam and eve to populate the earth if he knew they were sinners? Or why did He create Adam and Eve at all if He already knew they were going to fall into sin? Because He's a creator and He desires relationship. It's kind of similar to why couples have children. We desire relationship with our own 'creations'
. God knew that all of us were sinners but He loved us so much that He put Himself on the Cross to bring us back to Him. What a loving Father! i feel like its all man made i dont understand the bible i pray for answers and others pray for me and when i do feel a little bit joyful i assume is some physocological thing. The devil is thrilled when you poo-poo the Holy Spirit giving you joy. Don't give it up so easily
.Ive read a tonne of pages on the internet of "proof god exists" and proof "god dosent exist" and they both have good points. The biggest proof to me is changed lives. The proof is in the pudding...never really understood that but I think it means the proof is evident...just look at how people can go from being murders to children of God. That takes a total heart and mind change.That takes supernatural power. Also if jews/chatholics/muslims all believe in the same god (ive been told) then why do we all live different and all so confused. Muslims do not believe in the same god. Their 'god' sanctions the murder of 'infidels' (non-Muslins). Jews believe in the same God but they missed their Messiah
. Catholics are Christians (though some argue this. I'll probably get dinged for this) except they have a few doctrines that are debatable. Also does hell exist do we go there if we sin and not repent for it ? some christians say that is true others say no ? There really is a hell and it's where's people go who do not repent of their rebellion against God by accepting Jesus' death and resurrection for their sins. After being saved, we still sin but we try VERY HARD not to. We won't be 'perfect' until we get to heaven. whats going on i keep switching from believing to non believing because of all the questions. You just need to read and study; pray for the Holy Spirit to come into your heart and explain the Bible to you. You won't understand it until you do this. Some people have good evidence i watched the testiomy about a girl who saw hevean and hell she was dead for 23 hours , others have visons that they can prove all i had was jesus hugging me in a dream but i think its because i really wanted that to happan. If god is real why dosent he show solid proof to christians who are struggling to keep belief it seems sad that some try so hard but would go to hell because of it dont you think? God desires for everyone to go to heaven but it's a personal choice. Bending their knee to Him isn't easy for many people. And some people just don't want to change the way they live. We cannot love the world and love Christ at the same time (he said that). another thing who are jehovah witnesses? They do not teach Christianity correctly and are considered a cult: "These groups deny or distort fundamental Christian doctrines such as the Trinity, the deity of Christ, and salvation by grace through faith alone. Some cults that would fall into this category are the Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Science, The Way International, and the Unity School of Christianity". i have a bible from them that they sold to me as a child it says things like only 144,000 will go to hevean ? Some people think this is a literal number and some think it is just symbolic....I think it's symbolism. im so confused
also apparently the bible has loads of errors Actually, it does not have errors. You just need to read and study
, you know the profecies in the old testement how do we know they were written before they happaned? how do i know that what we feel has nothing to do with god and is just phycological stuff? There is LOTS of physical evidence for what the Bible teaches. Try Josh McDowell's book "Evidence that Demands a Verdict". He was a very skeptical non-believer who changed his mind after studying the evidence. im sorry if this is a lot and offends people but i am genuine i need some help
thank you xx *sorry for bad spelling*[/quote]
Praying for your continued growth....stick with it; the rewards are incredible
But all the answers don't come at once; and some of them won't come at all. That's where faith comes in. He has given us ENOUGH to believe but not so much that we don't have to use our faith muscle:
Hebrews 11:2-3
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for. 3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
(Hebrews 11 is all about faith)
You do have a lot of interesting questions that would take a lot of time to answer thoroughly but here's some short answers
Hello i hope someone can help me i am a christian but im having loads of doubts about the existense of god all im thiinking is "is a brainwashing thing" "people came up with it because they couldnt explain science" "why would god ask adam and eve to populate the earth if he knew they were sinners? Or why did He create Adam and Eve at all if He already knew they were going to fall into sin? Because He's a creator and He desires relationship. It's kind of similar to why couples have children. We desire relationship with our own 'creations'
Praying for your continued growth....stick with it; the rewards are incredible