Hey everyone. This is just a random topic, but I m hoping to get at least a little feedback from others. Currently I am waiting on a court date to offer a plea to the state. A little over a year ago I was in a car accident after drinking and driving. I had a friend with me and as a result of the wreck his back was broken. He bled out internally and died a week later in the hospital. I am charged with felony DUI involving death. This carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 5 years and a maximum of 25 years. It can be reduced as low as reckless homicide which carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 1 year up to a max of 10. It may not even be reduced as low as reckless homicide, if it gets reduced at all. There is no reason for a jury trial if the plea is refused because the facts are cut and dry in this case.
I am terrified to say the least. I have been to jail plenty of times before, but never for more than a week or two and never was it actual prison. My question is, has anyone on here ever been in prison, and what was your experience like? All the stories I have read ( from unsaved inmates ) were not comforting at all, even when they were trying to explain how prison is not as bad as it really seems. I know I shouldn't expect them to be comforting, but some kind of reassurance that survivability is possible and I can continue to be a strong follower of Christ without inhibition in prison would be nice.. I don't expect many responses, but if anyone would like to share their experience in private messages, I would appreciate it.
I am terrified to say the least. I have been to jail plenty of times before, but never for more than a week or two and never was it actual prison. My question is, has anyone on here ever been in prison, and what was your experience like? All the stories I have read ( from unsaved inmates ) were not comforting at all, even when they were trying to explain how prison is not as bad as it really seems. I know I shouldn't expect them to be comforting, but some kind of reassurance that survivability is possible and I can continue to be a strong follower of Christ without inhibition in prison would be nice.. I don't expect many responses, but if anyone would like to share their experience in private messages, I would appreciate it.