I also must add i have a book completley full of god's promises and encouragement and will love to post them, these have helped me in my faith and i know they will helpin all trials. The book is called god's promises for everday here are the sections it has in it
Be warned this will be kind of long LOL:Jesus is your- savior, Lord,Love,Peace, forgiveness, rightiousness,deliverer, fellowship,example,friend,brother,protecter,security,answer,satisfaction,everything. There are so many promises from the bible for each one of these words of what Jesus is but don't get comfy we are far from done. What to do when you feel: discouraged, worried,lonely,deppressed,dissaitisfied,guilty, confused, tempted,angry,rebellious,and rejected. What to do when you are: afraid,in doubt of yourself,franic and stressed,unhappy,walking far from god,uncertain about god. What to do when: you don't feel imortant,troubles hit your life,you have physical sickness, you need money, someone close to you dies, are you deserted,you don't understand god's ways,nothing seems to be going right.THe bible is your: dependable authority, way to succeed,guid for life,solid rock,source of strength. Folowing next post...