Hi there I'm that crazy christian otto and I would like to make know to you if you dont know by know about a few diffrent hand symbols.
The A-ok sign.Now I grew up with this one as a kid I think we all have and in case you dont know it's when you place you index finger on the tip of your thumb and your three fingers are slightly curled behinde them.
Well guess what friend.You are in fact throwing up triple six's 666 thats what the a-okay sign really stand for.
Ok here anothier one. V for victory symbol, makeing a V with your fingers.
For me to explains this one you need to know this first
We are curentitly in the fourth age which is this IV the age of grace the age of jesus christ.
The age that is coming after this one is know has the age of the LAW The FIFITH age which is this V
The fifth age is the devils age and every time you throw up the v for victory symbol with your fingers you are saying this:I'm down with lucifer I reject christ grace I am for trying to work my way to heaven by works!
The A-ok sign.Now I grew up with this one as a kid I think we all have and in case you dont know it's when you place you index finger on the tip of your thumb and your three fingers are slightly curled behinde them.
Well guess what friend.You are in fact throwing up triple six's 666 thats what the a-okay sign really stand for.
Ok here anothier one. V for victory symbol, makeing a V with your fingers.
For me to explains this one you need to know this first
We are curentitly in the fourth age which is this IV the age of grace the age of jesus christ.
The age that is coming after this one is know has the age of the LAW The FIFITH age which is this V
The fifth age is the devils age and every time you throw up the v for victory symbol with your fingers you are saying this:I'm down with lucifer I reject christ grace I am for trying to work my way to heaven by works!