I would like to start a new Topic for us all to discuss.I think its really important and everyone needs help with it !
Simply the topic is in the title.
When you feel sick,or have a disease,where do you turn? Almost 100% or worldly people i would say,would
turn to modern medicine for relief or a possible cure.Its so easy to obtain and it seems to offer so much !?
Just to let you all know,i am not on the medicine agreeing side of the topic.
Yes,i hear you saying,Christ of course ! Then a pot hole comes,a cold or flu,or a evil disease.
Where do you go to from here ? please share with me your thoughts and i am more than happy to help you
through the burning and important question,Christ or Medicine.

Simply the topic is in the title.
When you feel sick,or have a disease,where do you turn? Almost 100% or worldly people i would say,would
turn to modern medicine for relief or a possible cure.Its so easy to obtain and it seems to offer so much !?
Just to let you all know,i am not on the medicine agreeing side of the topic.
Yes,i hear you saying,Christ of course ! Then a pot hole comes,a cold or flu,or a evil disease.
Where do you go to from here ? please share with me your thoughts and i am more than happy to help you
through the burning and important question,Christ or Medicine.