no church is perfect. thats because the members are not perfect. ppl often say i dont go to church because there are hypocrites in there. Jesus said he will allow the wheat to grow with the tares. what about the scripture, forsake not the assembling of yourselves? i know sometimes the worship may not go like you like. but, your worship is NOT dependent on those around you... you worship GOd for who HE is and forget those around you.
the early church had a lot of problems. rem Ananias and Sapphira? they just wanted to showoff (and we all know that there are a lot of ppl in church like this)
there were even ppl spreading false doctrines (hermineous ...something like that, i dont rem how to spell it) ; some ppl were really living lies and making the church look bad ( that man in the corinthian church who was with his father's wife) BUT in all that paul never told them to back away from church when you see that happening.
church is a place of worship and learning. i have seen many ppl stop going to church and slowly backslide. many ppl. its soo sad. its almost the first step to backsliding.
my advice is to ask God to lead you to a church where you can learn and grow, one that you are comfortable with. if you ask Him, He will direct you...In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. God bless!