I cannot quote it, but I understand that there is scripture that tells us not to hope for the end times.
We all though, are called to hope in Jesus.
For this is the hope we all are trully called to.
There are days though that I am weary and saddened by the world, not because I love the world, but because of the lack of love in the world.
Seeing so many suffer because of evil is heartbreaking, watching so many decieved in this nation, the world by false good and an attitude of entitlement, failing to see how such makes one a slave to the ones who give in these ways, trying to destroy true charity and grace.
Jesus said though to keep our eyes on Him, so this I will do.
I dont know about what lays ahead, I do see much deception, many falling away for their lack of faith, not because they are bad people, but because too many seek evidence, being trained to look to these things when we are called to faith.
Believing lies, simply because they know only what is being said , and want to believe only in these worldly words.
Just by what is happening in the world, I do wonder if there is going to be a false tribulation in the future, terrible struggles that will usher in a new way of life, goverment and possible leaders, I wonder if then there will be a time of false restoration, sealing many to a slavery that will be increased by their unspoken fears of returning to difficult times again, denying the truth for the sake of this false restoration in the world, always fearful of speaking anything agaist what holds the world, fearful of retrabution or simply being fully rejected by the life that is provided.
Maby its just my age rambleing tthough, knowing what was and having lived these freedoms, and seeing freedom now being turned upside down, and the chains tightening more each day.
This is why I am so thankful for Jesus, for it is trully though Him we are freed, for the things of the world and flesh have no hold on us.
As we know trully through faith in Jesus, that there are but three things that last, faith, hope and love!
That all is given and lived in Jesus, and in Him is the life we will one day know compleatly, eternal and perfected by God's love for us in Jesus, guiding us by His Holy Spirit.
Maby not hoping for the world's end, but rejoicing in all promised in Jesus!
Knowing that one day, we will all be together with Him, rejoicing and praising God!
God bless