Thank you for your comment. It is much appreciated. And I concur with you as well in that demonic activity IS certainly very dangerous. It is definitely not child's play! Hollywood has most unfortunately just about placed the devil on a pedestal in movies as a being who is very powerful and can obtain most anything and so can his followers. That is, however, a wrong and deceitful message. But it makes money at the box office so go figure. However, most movies end with the devil being conquered! Thank God.
The devil is an extreme opportunist and will come not only when a person is doing bad things but also when they are doing good. Therefore, Beware of any activity that might rouse demons such as what some presume to be "innocent games" of calling forth a spirit without knowing that an opportunistic spirit may very well manifest and then be hard to get rid of. And yes, there are documented cases where people have just about looked like and acted much like actress Linda Blair in her early to middle 70's movie role in "The Exorcist" while being under possession of a demon.
And imho, if anyone ever has the extreme misfortune of being confronted by a demon, (that is to say through Mind Torture or very bad people who entice you to do certain unholy things) Do Not Try To Approach the Demon! Immediately Start Praying and Call Upon God and Jesus and His Most Holy Angels to Come To Your Rescue But Do Not Remain In the Vicinity of The Demon or Those Presumed To Be Possessed By One At Any Cost As That Could Prove To Be Very Dangerous!
Many times demons, being cunning and expert liars and masters of disguise and deceit, will not appear as the grotesque creatures that they really are (as that would surely scare you away!) but having been angels of God that were once in Heaven they have learned the ways of transformation that that realm has taught them thus they still remember how they can appear human therefore, know how to transform themselves into rather innocuous looking humans and can manifest themselves through people who are not Christians and especially if they are not Born Again and they can be very persuasive to have you do their evil bidding. So Always BEWARE! Call Upon Christ. Pray and Always Keep Out of Harm's Way!
Remember, a demon is most powerful and it takes someone especially trained to exorcise them. Exorcism is NOT a game! It is a very serious matter that requires a highly trained, experienced person like clergy who has prayed and fasted before they can confront a demon. Sometimes it requires several to many tries to get rid of the demon that is why it must always be left to those with ecclesiastical authority over such matters. In my exhaustive religious studies I have learned that the devil is not omnipresent, like God, and cannot be everywhere at all times as God can. Thus, when he does come, he can cause serious discord in one's life but he must leave at his appointed time and that is usually when a person can find a certain degree of comfort and relief.
May ALL here be Blessed by Jesus and Protected from the evil ones! In Jesus' Most Holy Name I pray. Amen.