I don't really have a religion I've attached to.... I mean.... my thing is that I have this belief that everyone else's Gods and Jesus, and then his father all live together in heaven, and all of them are basically the children of God, just like Jesus. I find this comforting... makes me feel warm.
I see what you're trying to say.
God is everything, in a way. That's totally true.' In all and through all'.
I mean, when you think about it, who created every atom? God.
Who created the forces used to drive and control those atoms? God.
Who created atoms with the ability to pass electrical current in synapses in our brain in order that we think and feel and learn? God.
So, yes, everyone's God lives in heaven, in the sense that it is one God that rules everyone, therefore the God of every human being lives in heaven.
And also, in another way you're on the right track. That God created all the tribes and lands and divided them. Separated land from land and language from language.
And you're also right in that God has ability to see now, past, future and everything else and 'enter' into our hearts and minds in a way we can't even do for ourselves.
He searches hearts and minds, so to speak. Just like Jesus could know what the people were saying behind his back.
I also believe that when the day comes for us to sit in front of God, that He will speak to us in a personal way, as though using His understanding of us.
And that's the same with everyone to some degree. God does speak to people in so many different ways depending on the person's outlook.
But really what I think you're saying is that you see God as a peace maker, bringing people together and giving us all that 'warm fuzzy feeling'. And I believe that's true too.
That God does have the ability to transcend boundaries, divisions, tribes, nations and languages. That He will bring all under Him just like He says.
The love and togetherness spirit is what I take from your post more than the language you used to post it.
I think your heart's in the right place but just be careful. Words can easily be misinterpreted, and the wolves tend to jump on you at that point.
Have a lovely day