Greetings I am new to this site. I found it by chance and so hope that I will find the strength and words of support I so desperately am seeking. I cannot go into everything I have been through,,,but it has been a lot of very very heavy things and my thin shoulders are caving in. At this time all I pray for and feel I need is love and care from my husband. He can be a very angry and abusive man,,,and this has been I feel the absolute biggest and major reason why I am where I am today. I pray to God for strength,,,for patience,,,for him to change,,,but my prayers seem to sit in the clouds. Sometimes we have 'good' days ,,, and I hold my breath and edit what I say to him in hopes that the 'good' day will continue into the next. This doesn't happen though,,,he explodes like a bomb that you didn't know was placed beside you and it destroys me everytime. I am constantly debating whether to leave this man,,,but I married him before God in the hopes we would stay together forever. There is only so much though a person can take,,,I feel like I'm living in a dream,,,a false marriage to the eyes of others. I don't know what the word 'happy' means or feels like as I haven't experienced it in many years. I apologize for the length of my post. I don't really know what I am asking for,,,maybe a prayer ? Thank you for your time if you read all of this.