BonnieSmiles; Jilly told me about you receiving Christ Jesus as your Saviour. I already feel a bit touched to tears now, mostly because I find it so beautiful whenever people receive Christ Jesus into their lives, and wants to be living for Him. It is also so good that you have decided this being in such a young age too. I can understand it won't always be easy for you. But you have to just keep on trusting in Jesus, depend more on what He says and how He thinks of you the most.
I am sorry you have met others that are questioning your faith so much in a negative way. I too have encountered such ones, two of them I thought were good friends of mine. It is painful meeting such people, and you should have in mind that people that acts this way aren't being the way Jesus is. As if you act out from Jesus example, you will act out from His love towards others. And especially when someone is new in faith, we have to take care of new beleivers, and helping them in their first steps of faith. Untill you have managed getting more stronger foundated in the faith as well as in the Word(the bible), so that you are able of standing strong also by yourself in Christ Jesus. Those who suddenly turn their backs to you and deny even to help building you up in your new started faith life in Jesus Christ, they are not following Jesus Christ's example at all.
Just have in mind, that there will always come people in here that doesn't have Christ's example in mind and heart, but there are also many who do are this way. I am happy Jilly have told you to message her if you need to talk. Know that I too support you, and know that there might be many more who does this too in here. As well as Jesus Christ is the biggest supporter you can have of us all.

Keep on holding unto your faith given in Him, do not let anyone ever take it away from you. -God Bless-