All saved people has eternal life. They already HAVE eternal life! LIFE ETERNAL. LIFE!!! What does that Life look like? What did God save them from? Does HE have to save them once, twice, three times or EVERY DAY, as long as they LIVE?
This is the thing that so many cannot get!If God saves a sinner, he is no sinner any longer! Oh they will come up with 1 john 1 :8 to 10, and twist it to their "FAITH". but even John the writer of 1 John 1 says in three places that saved ones CANNOT sin. So even in HIS writings the score to sin vs no sin is three to one in favour of NO SIN!
So many ask can sinless perfection be attained here on earth by a once red as scarlet sinner? Well whart CAN God achieve? Not the human, God! If God is the ONLY one that cannot sin, will HE become a sinner when HE lives in a sinner? Or will the sinner become HOLY AND PERFECT because God now lives in HIM?
This is the TRUTH... why can't a saved person sin? Let me rephraze.... Why is it IMPOSSIBLE for a saved person to sin? I asked God that question and the answer is written in the BIBLE! By the same person that wrote (inspired) the WHOLE BIBLE..... GOD!
Every person that is BORN OF GOD, Born in EVERLASTING LIFE.... Has the SEED OF GOD IN HIM/HER.... And they CANNOT SIN BECAUSE they are BORN OF GOD! They are of the SAME SEED as GOD! God does not sow a single BAD seed. NONE!
The sinless perfection they are are NOT the seed they were when they were sinners, that was FLESH and the seed of their ALSO flesh fathers.... No to be BORN AGAIN, they are ALL BORN OF GOD!... And HE CANNOT SIN! Neither can they, becasue they ARE IN HIM and IN HIM IS NO SIN!
God says it so clearly.... HE is light, and IN HIM IS NO DARKNESS... God is righteousness, and in HIM IS NO SIN. God is LIFE, and in HIM IS NO DEATH.
Why Satan says many other things, but God is the ONE I believe. God says BE PERFECT, and HE WILL MAKE SURE EVERY ONE HE TOUCHES WILL BE PERFECT... Because AS GOD IS SO ARE THEY IN THIS WORLD! How is God?
I read some person asks if God still does this or that... Does God change? Does His salvation change? Does his sheep change? Does his shepard quality change? Does the sheep of God know their shepard? Do they KNOW His voice? Can they SEE their shepard? Are there ANY doubs who is HIS sheep? Does HE lead sheep that is NOT His to lead? Where does HE lead HIS sheep to? Does any of HIS sheep get lost and not SAVED? If he does save the one that was lost, is that one still lost?
Stop making the GOOD shepard out to be worthless and lame! And stop playing Gospel. Go to your knees and ask GOD TO SAVE YOU! I need God as much as ANY person, but at least I know this.... If God saves me, I will have HIM to take care of me! And I will have a GOOD shepard, that can really keep the LION AND EVIL OFF ME! I have this HUNGER in me that GOD'S WILL will be done in me.... Did God give me that hunger? I wonder if this thirst for righteousness will be filled? Well the God of promises said it will... Matthew 5. When will it be filled, HE KNOWS! Not even Satan can argue that, because SATAN canot touch the ones that was filled! 1 John 5:18. Satan CANNOT TOUCH God's sheep! Because HE IS THE SHEPARD!
Get it in your heads and hearts, God's sheep is untouchable, because HE IS THE SHEPARD that takes care of them. AND THEY ARE HIS SHEEP!