it is twisted because of the way it is asked.
You should ask, who gave us the ability, and the things to chose to believe in. Not who gave us the will.
As Paul said, if Christ did not raise. OUR FAITH is futile and we are still dead in our sin. Our faith is in the power of God. not in the wisdom of men.
Did Christ die of our power? Did he rise of our Power? Are we convicted of our power. or by the law, prophets and words of God which were written by his power? is his gift of eternal life offered on our power? thus is our faith in our own power or the power of God?
The word made us clean. Who gave us the word? Our faith has set us free. who gave us the things to trust and be assured what God did, said and will do are true? Us??
Oh ye of little faith
Both. Gods freely chose to promise a redeemer not hours after sin entered the world. he chose to give us the law to lead us to Christ. he chose to give us the prophets so when Christ came, we would know who he is. He chose to give us the NT so we can be assured he did live, He did die, and he did raise from the dead. that WHOEVER (meaning anyone can do it) believes in him, will never die, but has eternal life.
We are the whoever. Do we believe or do we reject outright.