The land of Israel will "vomit out" the jews because they have rejected their God and allow idolatry in the land. God will bring their enemies against them, the king of the north and the king of the south.
At first, your post seemed off topic. But it reminded me....
Being husband of a Tajik family is one thing that makes my world go around.
Gen 12:3 and I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.
When the Assyrians exiled the Northern tribes, some of the Israelites walked north and east right out of the Assyrian Empire. Our Tajik ancestors received them and hosted them in Summarkhand and Bukhara for centuries, for millennia. We sent their descendants back to Israel upon the fall of the Soviet Union! Our Cousin Persians (Tajiks are Persian ethnic) took over the ancient Empire from the Babilonians and sent the Jewish exiles back to rebuild the temple..with money from the royal treasury.
God DID use enemies against Israel and those enemies have themselves been removed - the land of the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians is held by Arabs. The land of the ancient Persians is held by modern Persians. The Imperial Cunieform language of the Assyrians and Babilonians is dead. There is a translation of the bible being published in every living dialect of the modern Persian language. This is one thing that makes my world go round.