what ever we have had happened in our lives bad or good is a product of what we have let pass. God never intended for you to be divorced my brother. i am sorry that you had to go through that, but i believe and this is what i do, before i say this and about a person, i look at me first you know. how long and how much i sought GOD on the matter, How my relationship with GOD is, How much i Love GOD, you know those very serious personal questions and at times we dont see ourselves THAT clearly, thats why the psalmist asked GOD to search HIM. and HE did, and GOD loved Him for that.
Those women might have already repented for their sins, see GOD with the eyes that HE WANTS YOU TO SEE.
am reminded that, sometimes we dont listen to GOD you know, we tend to do things the way we think is true, or is right. see the scriptures are TRUE and a lot, but GOD quickens a scripture that applies to your life, meaning not every knowledge is what you are to have faith on. seek GOD for what HE WANTS FOR YOU.
Finally forgiveness is key here, forgive those women, and never generalize them. i know some GOD loving women, and yes we are human and its no EXCUSE but its not time to blame, but time to seek Healing, time to seek LOVE. ai. Do not be trapped into this really. Never helps really.