No... I don't subliminally anything... I would just SAY I thought you were incompetent if that is what I intended to mean.
I am somewhat perplexed that you somehow cannot understand hat your post was TOO VAGUE to pin down WHAT the subject matter was or is since "defender of the status quo" could mean absolutely anything and I am not a mind reader... thus do not know what you are talking about...
"Defender of the status quo",
In other words a person who agrees with and instigates what is commonly accepted as right.
Just boffin-talk.
There is absolutely NO malicious intent in my post here... previously or the original where you felt so compelled to correct.
I understand you're just doing what you think is right, but you are in the wrong. And I've proven so in my last post. What you believe and advocate might be right, but you're going about being right the wrong way. What you said eludes to malicious intent. In a world where no effect isn't without a cause, it points toward a malicious intent.
Whether or not what I understood of your post was right, point still stands that it was offensive. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been offended by it. This is why I originally suggested that you try to employ a bit more tact to avoid these touchy situations.
You absolutely LACK any scriptural authority to be correcting elders and asserting that my posts have ANY malice attached to them says far more about YOU than it does about me.
"I know you are, but what am I?' Really?... That's your rebuttal?
More arbitrary accusations based on an ungrounded heresay point of view. Still going on about your superiority-though-age-belief. Please employ logic next time, otherwise I can't take you seriously.
The only one hurling accusations around here is YOU...attempting to shift blame to with contentious words... though well crafted might get you approval from your peers... but isn't impressing God... at all.
You jumped the shark a while back, I don't even know why I'm even addressing this. But oh well.
First sentence, you've done your fair share of accusations. You've done so in a rage-tastic and immature fashion. So your first sentence is false.
Second sentence, that is the nature of our dispute. I am trying to show you the error of your ways, and you mine. So far, you've been losing because you fail to pose a logically sound argument. The definition of contentious, is "
Causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.". Scroll up, read over some of the things you've said. if that isn't likely to cause argument, if it isn't controversial then I don't know what is.
Third and fourth sentence... you're obscuring your own emotions and desire with what you assume God's to be again. I don't have time for this.
This argument's drawn on for far too long. Will be calling it quits soon - being that no ground is being gained in either direction.