The only thing "relegated" to the Jews was that they were chosen by God to be the people through whom God would bring to pass His Plan of Salvation. That Plan has come to pass, their purpose has been served, and now they stand before God on equal footing with gentiles ... sinners in need of salvation.
In Christ,
In Christ,
zech 8:23 The LORD of Hosts says this: "In those days, 10 men from nations of every language will grab the robe of a Jewish man tightly, urging: Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you."
It is true that the Jews got so caught up in how to carry out, physically, God's instructions that they lost sight of the spirit of God. They also got so carried away with God getting them out of the predicament they were in with the Romans that they were blind to the scripture about a savior. But I think that we have to use what we see they did wrong to look for the mud in our own eye. Most of our leaders are so caught up in the spirit of God that they scream legalism and works aren't effective if any mention of doing is suggested. It is Jews in reverse.
The Jews got in this predicament because they took on pagan ways, telling everyone they were doing them for God, they changed the God the practices were for. We are doing this often. So lets not throw stones, we live in a glass house.