i think it's a great commitment. I also made commitment to my self like that, and wish and pray to found my future husband to do the same thing for me. I think we control it if we keep God within our relationship.
just to share my experience; I started to have relationship with guy from outside of my country. On the first time before i accept he become my bf, I say that i have commitment and also my dating style, he says agree and not problem with that. after a few month being relationship with him, he's starting to break the rule, and i never agree for what he want, until finally he got mad on me and says that I don't have sincerely love for him. I've tried to explain and to remind my commitment to him, but he still mad on me, then i decide to leave him and never contact him anymore.
after a month broke up from him, he try to contact me again, and ask to start it again, but i say, I'm worrying the same thing will happen again, so I only want to be your friend. He still mad on me and he says I'm so naive....*sigh*..
I just ignore him and wont to waste my time to talk the guy like that.