actually if you knew or thought people would get bent out of shape over this then you should have taken time to THINK about some of the comments, and no he does not look like the "average black man"
I did not "know or think" people would get bent out of shape until after a certain comment was made. It doesn't take much for people on a MULTICULTURAL chat site to get offended. I don't know if you have looked around on the site, but people agree/disagree all the time. This is a discussion forum, and I have ever right to post what I please as long as it is within the rules of the site. I broke no rules. I did not say anything derogatory about the president. All I said was it resembled him.
I never said he looked like the "average black man", either. I don't make comments such as that, and I find it rather offensive you are accusing me of such.
when i saw the picture i didn't even go there
If it bothers you so much then why even respond?
and yes this is something to stir people up, and actually i'm surprised that you nonchalantly already know this is going to bend people out of shape
As I said. I didn't know how people would react. Obviously you are rather bent out of shape, and making false accusations. So I guess I could say you commented in this thread to create a form of choas now couldn't I?
this is a multicultural chat site and think before you post things that can be and will be offensive to others
Think before you jump to conclusions, and make false accusations. It is a photo that resembles someone that is in the public eye. That's it. Lighten up.
the sad thing is what is funny to some is offensive to many
Yet you felt compelled to make rather harsh, and rude comments. If you or others are that sensitive then maybe you need to stay away from the internet. Also, you may want to notify about 100+ news sites, and tell them how offended you and others are by this. It's all over the web.
I find it offensive that people come on this site saying there isn't a God, or abortion and homosexuality is ok but I certainly do not react in the hostile way you have.