I was just thinking how the Bible says " Let US make man in OUR image and OUR likeness -" in Genesis 1:26.
I asked a lady who is a pastor about this, and she said God was talking to Jesus Christ.
But Jesus Christ is apart of the Holy Trinity, which clearly is representative of only ONE God. Father, Son ( Jesus Christ,) and the Holy Spirit are all the same one God.
So then, why would God be telling Jesus Christ ( whom is himself,) to create mankind with him?
Jesus Christ was just God in the flesh as confirmed in John Chapter 1. Even Jesus said he and the Father were ONE.
Jesus = God
God = Jesus
God + Jesus = Us in Genesis?
That's illogical.
Even she was stumped when we talked more about it.
I truly believe that there are actually two God heads; a male and a female.
Even looking at what God created in the image and likeness - was a male and female - Adam and Eve.
There is another verse in Revelations in which it says, " Do not harm the land or sea until WE put a seal on the foreheads of God's servants."
Again with the plural form.
If everyone accepts Adam is the male image of God, why do they reject Eve as representative of the female image of God?
Some people automatically assume that two Gods here is like paganism - but actually there is no other God like God - and pagan gods are just gods.
Meaning, the nature of God, there is only ONE, but that doesn't mean there is physically only one God necessarily.
Not to mention people say that God calls himself " he " only - but women are automatically assumed with men.
Like the Bible says all men sinned - but then, women are also sinners on this planet. Was it only physically men whom sinned?
Not at all, women did too, but we are automatically incorporated with men.
When people reject a female God - head, I feel kind of ashamed; like why weren't women good enough to be made in the image and likeness of God? Do we not have a soul too? Did we not have our place in Eden alongside Adam?
Where we unworthy of the same Breath of life God breathed into Adam?
A guy told me that women were pretty much just made as companions for man, and that's pretty much it.
You really think God is just lonely up there all by himself? And if so, what really was the purpose of God creating women? To give life?
Female animals give life too - are we just as good as they?
Do the men with the Breath of Life blown into his nostrils, made in the image of God get to ascend to heaven, yet the women who somehow didn't receive the Breath of Life nor were made in the image of God just get to go back to the dust of the Earth?
It makes no sense whatsoever according to the scripture that female is not an image of God. Bible actually emphasized this twice from Gen 1:26 to Gen 1:27
" In the image of God he made them - male and FEMALE."
Why does the Bible say the female is in the image of God if there is no female image of God?!
Very contradicting isn't it?
Another thing -
God calls himself the " Father." His people are referred to as " Children."
Father + Mother = Children.
Is that illogical? Am I just talking hot air right now? Does a Mother not fit into that equation?
There has to absolutely be two images! Two entities of God in the nature of male and female!
And no no no - no more of the " he's talking about Jesus Christ -"
THAT MAKES NOOOOOO SENSE, Biblically or even just logically looking at the situation the Bible presents here.
I know the Bible says stuff like, have no other god before me, or there is only one God - but look at the phrasing of those sentences;
For starters the lower case gods in the Bible always refers to pagan gods, but the uppercase God refers to true God. It never says not to have any God before me, but rather any god before me. Talking about false gods as opposed to another entity of God.
I believe there to be a female God, it is what makes the most logical sense given the case.
I asked a lady who is a pastor about this, and she said God was talking to Jesus Christ.
But Jesus Christ is apart of the Holy Trinity, which clearly is representative of only ONE God. Father, Son ( Jesus Christ,) and the Holy Spirit are all the same one God.
So then, why would God be telling Jesus Christ ( whom is himself,) to create mankind with him?
Jesus Christ was just God in the flesh as confirmed in John Chapter 1. Even Jesus said he and the Father were ONE.
Jesus = God
God = Jesus
God + Jesus = Us in Genesis?
That's illogical.
Even she was stumped when we talked more about it.
I truly believe that there are actually two God heads; a male and a female.
Even looking at what God created in the image and likeness - was a male and female - Adam and Eve.
There is another verse in Revelations in which it says, " Do not harm the land or sea until WE put a seal on the foreheads of God's servants."
Again with the plural form.
If everyone accepts Adam is the male image of God, why do they reject Eve as representative of the female image of God?
Some people automatically assume that two Gods here is like paganism - but actually there is no other God like God - and pagan gods are just gods.
Meaning, the nature of God, there is only ONE, but that doesn't mean there is physically only one God necessarily.
Not to mention people say that God calls himself " he " only - but women are automatically assumed with men.
Like the Bible says all men sinned - but then, women are also sinners on this planet. Was it only physically men whom sinned?
Not at all, women did too, but we are automatically incorporated with men.
When people reject a female God - head, I feel kind of ashamed; like why weren't women good enough to be made in the image and likeness of God? Do we not have a soul too? Did we not have our place in Eden alongside Adam?
Where we unworthy of the same Breath of life God breathed into Adam?
A guy told me that women were pretty much just made as companions for man, and that's pretty much it.
You really think God is just lonely up there all by himself? And if so, what really was the purpose of God creating women? To give life?
Female animals give life too - are we just as good as they?
Do the men with the Breath of Life blown into his nostrils, made in the image of God get to ascend to heaven, yet the women who somehow didn't receive the Breath of Life nor were made in the image of God just get to go back to the dust of the Earth?
It makes no sense whatsoever according to the scripture that female is not an image of God. Bible actually emphasized this twice from Gen 1:26 to Gen 1:27
" In the image of God he made them - male and FEMALE."
Why does the Bible say the female is in the image of God if there is no female image of God?!
Very contradicting isn't it?
Another thing -
God calls himself the " Father." His people are referred to as " Children."
Father + Mother = Children.
Is that illogical? Am I just talking hot air right now? Does a Mother not fit into that equation?
There has to absolutely be two images! Two entities of God in the nature of male and female!
And no no no - no more of the " he's talking about Jesus Christ -"
THAT MAKES NOOOOOO SENSE, Biblically or even just logically looking at the situation the Bible presents here.
I know the Bible says stuff like, have no other god before me, or there is only one God - but look at the phrasing of those sentences;
For starters the lower case gods in the Bible always refers to pagan gods, but the uppercase God refers to true God. It never says not to have any God before me, but rather any god before me. Talking about false gods as opposed to another entity of God.
I believe there to be a female God, it is what makes the most logical sense given the case.