Red tent, I used to always see the good in people, as I thought this is what we are called to in Jesus.
Then , I was hurt deeply because of this, and broken.
It was then that Jesus showed me that yes we are to look to all that is good.
But when it comes to others, its not about looking for what is good, but seeing them through Jesus with His love.
I began to do this, and suddenly, what they did fell away, I saw the child that God created, and was filled with His love, mercy, compassion and delight in them.
I began to see that it wasnt about seeing good, but seeing the perfect, Jesus in every person, and if they had not yet accepted Jesus, I saw the child lost and in need of His presance and love.
I dont know if I have explained this very well, but good? we all fail some times or stumble, so to seek good , can cause one to judge, and we are not to judge another, just actions.
I believe judgeing goes both ways, good and bad, and this belongs to God.
That we are called to love in Jesus, love the person with the love of Jesus.
Simply because, its not wether another earns our favor, but just as Jesus loved us when we were sinners.
We love because the person is created by God.
In doing this, ones eyes are opened to the perfect and good that is Jesus, and the person, is simply loved and treasured.
Not because of their good, but because they are.
In the love of Jesus.
God bless