1 Timothy 2:11-14 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
There are many people that believe this Scripture to teach that Paul stated that in Christianity, no woman has the authority to preach or teach to men. Let me go on the record to say I don't believe this is what it means. This subject is not about the Scripture itself, but about those who believe it this way. There are some women in the forums and the chat rooms that state firmly they don't believe in women preachers or women teachers because of this Scripture, yet at the same time they boldly post statements and speak out concerning doctrine against men to the point of ridicule and mockery who believe contrary to them, regardless of the subject.
I have these questions concerning this:
1. Since the church is really the people, and not the building, and if these women truly believe this way, is it all right for them to practice what they say they don't believe?
2. Are they talking out of both sides of their mouth?
3. Should we trust their teaching, if they aren't living by what they say they believe?
What are your thoughts concerning this?
There are many people that believe this Scripture to teach that Paul stated that in Christianity, no woman has the authority to preach or teach to men. Let me go on the record to say I don't believe this is what it means. This subject is not about the Scripture itself, but about those who believe it this way. There are some women in the forums and the chat rooms that state firmly they don't believe in women preachers or women teachers because of this Scripture, yet at the same time they boldly post statements and speak out concerning doctrine against men to the point of ridicule and mockery who believe contrary to them, regardless of the subject.
I have these questions concerning this:
1. Since the church is really the people, and not the building, and if these women truly believe this way, is it all right for them to practice what they say they don't believe?
2. Are they talking out of both sides of their mouth?
3. Should we trust their teaching, if they aren't living by what they say they believe?
What are your thoughts concerning this?