
Pirate Fair.jpg

My favorite thing to go see at my local county fair. This guy puts on a good Parrot show, you get very educated with his knowledge of these birds.
That's a pretty parrot. What kind is it?
Those shows are the best! It's better than a zoo if you get to see the animals outside of the cage, can interact and ask questions.
The way fashion has changed over time is interesting. I can say from personal experience that garb, wow, comfy. - as well as how, a couple of hundred years ago a man might have trusted that bird to stay near him, at least while at sea - but today we'd keep her in a cage 24/7

Did it feel weird to you, for her to just be free, yet sitting on your arm even so? Like, she could fly away any moment - but she chooses not to?

Salvation is like this. We are free, truly so. No condemnation.
But we cling to Christ out of love, not fear or rule of law. :)
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The way fashion has changed over time is interesting. I can say from personal experience that garb, wow, comfy. - as well as how, a couple of hundred years ago a man might have trusted that bird to stay near him, at least while at sea - but today we'd keep her in a cage 24/7

Did it feel weird to you, for her to just be free, yet sitting on your arm even so? Like, she could fly away any moment - but she chooses not to?

Salvation is like this. We are free, truly so. No condemnation.
But we cling to Christ out of love, not fear or rule of law. :)
This gentleman that does this show does a bird recovery to release birds into the wild. He trained his birds and this was for a fun photo op. I have met this guy over the years when he comes to the fair. This is also a male McCaw.

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