

Dogs strange behaviour freaks out the cat
Like it's saying "Ever since those humans brought that Dog Henry...this is what I gotta now put up with..EVERY SINGLE DAY!"
:LOL: The cat isn't a music fan. That's what it is.
Meanwhile the cat is smug. They know all they have to do is purr and look cute and their owner will throw gifts at them. They don't have to dance for treats like the dog.
:LOL: The cat isn't a music fan. That's what it is.
Meanwhile the cat is smug. They know all they have to do is purr and look cute and their owner will throw gifts at them. They don't have to dance for treats like the dog.
😂😂😂😂 Yes that's true..there cute sweetness is enough to melt the hardest of hearts for sure..So they just chill out and we showed them 247..maybe the dog needs to calm down and learn from the wise kittie.. 🐱😊😊
Kitties r 2 die for. I lost my precious black petite beautiful kitty last year. There’s a cat shaped hole in my heart😭
Kitties r 2 die for. I lost my precious black petite beautiful kitty last year. There’s a cat shaped hole in my heart😭
Hi princess6011..thanks for dropping by here.👍Yes you are 100000% right..hence my avatar is of a cute kittie..💕
Oh very sorry to hear that you lost your kitty last year..😭😭😭..So will you be getting another kittie in the future once you are much further on in the grief you feel for the one you lost?
My kittie died around Jan 2014...had him for over 15 years

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