

You cannot preach unless your heart is FULL OF CHRIST.
American preachers whose hearts are on their game of golf, or watching football on TV, or eating with friends at a restaurant - whose hearts are on sports and entertainment - cannot PREACH!
Timothy, I might quit CC soon. Reason: The Lord has been telling me that I am spending too much time on it.

I would love to keep in touch with you outside of CC.

I am not an emotional man, and I keep my feelings under control. But I find that debating with folks on the Internet is clearly a waste of time. There is a problem with the medium itself. The computer or mobile screen is so 'impermanent'; gives the impression that whatever we write here is transient and will fade away. A hard copy, ie. writing on paper, has solidity about it.

So what's the point of it all? I might as well spend more time alone with God - which I am doing, but not to the best of my ability and certainly not to God's satisfaction.

I will keep coming here from time to time.

You might as well tell me whether there are any strong born-again Christians here on CC. I find so many who are ignorant of the Bible. They just don't read it for themselves.

The idea of a holy God is missing. They talk of a lovey-dovey sentimental wishy-washy 'saviour', who imho is no Saviour at all.
Balance. To be a True Christian, we must be identified by being balanced in as many ways as possible. There are no True Christians that are without self-control, for this defies the Holy Purpose and Work of Christ. More and more, my soul is reminded that I can know who I am by what I do and say in this world. I am to be known by my “fruit” – the results of my behavior. Am I leaving a wake of destruction? Or, am I proving myself to be Loving and kind? And the greatest challenge for nearly all of us is this . . . am I Loving, kind, and gentle to those who are not Loving, king, and gentle to me? It is easy for me to be this way to those who have a reciprocal attitude, but I admit that I often fail in how I handle those who are against me.

In one to two weeks, my entire life is about to change and I’ll hopefully have some time to rest. Then again, I’ll be moving into an apartment. What I have been through over these last 4.5 years is so unbelievable, that virtually no one is able to comprehend what I am saying without becoming angry. I know . . . that’s an odd thing to say, yet incredibly, I am telling the truth. The last 3 of the 4.5 years have been particularly excruciating, and this wretched but beautiful time of my life is coming to an end. I’ll finally have the chance to be quiet. Being quiet is so important, but only if I use that quietness to determine what my next step of action [will] be. I am looking forward to change so that by changing, I will be able to have more peace while amidst this world that belongs to Satan. Balanced. I seek to be as perfectly balanced as Christ as I can possibly be.

I’m sure that you can relate, considering your Powerful Experience with our Powerful God, to this: I hate every deficiency within myself. A loss of self-control is rubbing heavily against the grain; it feels terrible. The desire to change is always there, and incredibly, most “christians” believe that as long as they have this “desire,” they belong to the Body of Christ. Because I believe that desire alone is an illusion to one’s Salvation, it is Holy Change that is the True evidence of the Work of Christ upon their hearts. Only if the Heart has been changed from stone, is a person capable of change. It is that Heart of stone that longs for change but does not have the Power of God so as to accomplish those changes.

I have finally made it to this point in my life. To once again being alone and without the elderly man who I have been protecting and living with for the last three years. There has been nothing more on my mind than this man. Even as I was recently diagnosed with cancer, I was spending 90% of my time focusing on this problem . . . and 10% on cancer (and that’s while sitting at the Dr’s office waiting for my prostate biopsy – REAL FUN!) I have been so consumed with the life of others, I admit that I found myself in a stale position, seemingly unable to change. To ask me to be joyous during this time seems about as impossible as asking someone to be joyous while being eaten by a worldly lion. The point is, my future looks good, as I’ll finally have a chance to work upon my own mindset so that the fruit of my life will be right.

I’d like to hear from you as well. There is much to mutually share. Send me an email at

It sounds like you’re working towards being more balanced in life when you say that you realize that you are spending too much time, here. This is a good change! The cool thing about our Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is that it is They who change the Heart. And this is a good reminder to me, which is that we just have to communicate the Work of Christ to others. Yes, the Work of Christ. You know . . . we are aliens in a strange land, and that isn’t going to change. There is nowhere to run; there is no place to hide. If we do not belong here, there may not be the kind of peace that we’re trying to find (good reminders for myself).

Are there strong, born-again Christians on CC? I think that I have run into a couple, based upon the Doctrine of Circumcised Hearts. The Mysterious Plan of God revolves around Spiritual Circumcision, and this can only be seen if our Powerful Lord changes our Hearts so that we can “see” it. But this should not discourage us, but inspire us. If there are only nominal amounts of genuine Christians, here, then all the more reason to stay. 😊

A lovey-dovey savior is no savior at all. You couldn’t possibly be wrong to say that. We’re looking at a global “Jeroboam” state that Christianity is in. Today’s “Christian” system is incomplete. Pastors are essentially handing out apples, but with a bite taken out of it. The apple looks amazing! Until you inspect it and find that it’s got your pastors' oral bacteria dug into its flesh. The apple is defiled, and nasty. But many people do not care; they take that apple and place it into their own mouths and say, “Mmmm. This is good.” It is as if churchgoers do not understand that the apple they receive must be Pure. It cannot be with defect, for our Savior is the Perfect Lamb. And Jesus is our Perfect Apple, for when we eat this Fruit from the Lord’s Holy Tree, we will live forever (Genesis 3:22-24). And Jeroboam fed Israel with that exact false apple. Israel was forced to change, but you and I know that it only takes a few years for these kinds of changes to become the new “normal.” And Israel fell for it, for this Jeroboam state allowed them to live a life of incredible sin.

The solution? Pastors . . . start teaching Colossians 2:9-15 as True Spiritual Circumcision (Rom 2:28,29), and stop leading [your] little servants into sin, by giving them an incomplete Gospel that does not include a Purified, Circumcised Heart. Refusing this teaching is to allow your little church-paying slaves that they do not have to obey. For if these slaves are not taught that a True Turning to Christ means a new mind, a new way of thinking, which means Obedience. We are not taught that our God is Effectual. We are not taught that a True Child of God will be changed by the Power of God. A True Child of God knows that if they are not working to change, it is because God has not caused it. Scary! The message is clear, then . . . that we ought to begin doing all that we can to change . . . to buffet our bodies, and when we begin to do this, we will know that God has empowered Himself to Work in and through us.

Ahhh . . . today’s “church.” They do not teach an Effectual Christ. And if they did, and pastors held their members to Pauline expectation, the “church” would have very, very few Obedient members. And where there are few members, there is only minimal income. And minimal income will not put a child through college . . . and may not even be enough to pay for a place to live and survive like a normal person. It is quite a challenge to be a True Pastor . . . a scary one, at that.

Sorry for rambling. Have much to do today. See you in Gmail.

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