

Hahaha... I had a lot of freckles as a boy. The more I went in the sun, the more showed up. I hated them. I hated my hair, it was blond and superfine. I couldn't do anything with it. My mother wouldn't let me go butch (short-cropped hair).

Later in the 60's, when men started styling their hair and using hair-spray: I had hair the ladies really went for. You could do so much with superfine hair. :D:cool:;)
Hahaha... I had a lot of freckles as a boy. The more I went in the sun, the more showed up. I hated them. I hated my hair, it was blond and superfine. I couldn't do anything with it. My mother wouldn't let me go butch (short-cropped hair).

Later in the 60's, when men started styling their hair and using hair-spray: I had hair the ladies really went for. You could do so much with superfine hair. :D:cool:;)
I got made fun of in my younger years for having freckles, now I embrace them.

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